I want to create a questionnaire for my trainers with multiple sections. However I want them to be able to put multiple students in one form to save time. My teachers teach multiple subjects in one day and creating one form for person can be time consuming. I want to use forms be cause...
I'm looking to create my own grade book to track student progress over time. My school district refuses to provide an adequate grade book solution for the competency-based assessment model which we n...
2020a). In NSW government schools, the disruption was relatively short; it took the form of an 8–10 week ‘learning from home’ period in which most students engaged in schooling remotely. In this paper, we examined the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and learning from home on student ...
au University of New England, Armidale NSW, Australia Abstract The outcomes of a trial implementation of an invigilated, online examination at a regional university in Australia and their implications for online education providers are discussed. Students in a first year online psychology course were ...
Hi all, are you typically adding your students as Members or Guests in your Teams, and if the former, are you turning off any specific permissions? Also, what is the best way to set up a facility... NoelFwe have all of our students as members, populated by SDS. Permissions ...
Thirty minutes into using v16.38 Excel for Mac (Home & Student license) and have discovered features that appear to be disabled (eg, insert slicer,...
Hello!I work at an online school and have well over 200 students. I am looking for an efficient way of running attendance using the bigbluebutton csv report...
However, if you had previously uploaded a good version of the doc, and then replaced it with the blank version, then you would be able to use version history in OneDrive. Go and check in your OneDrive (the web portal version), and highlight the file, then c...
If I was closer to retirement I wouldn't bother but I still have eight years to go so I can't really buck the system. ... I could rant for days on this topic so I'll stop. If I were a taxpaying voter there, I'd be ranting on it myself. ...