Apply online now, it takes less than 30 minutes to complete. Apply using your preferred choice, you can change your uni/course details later if you need to! Find out what you need to know about student finance before you apply and visit our: Student toolkit Student timeline Currently a stu...
Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSA) help disabled students from the UK to fund additional costs they may need when taking part in a higher education level course. DSA funding is available from Student Finance England, the NHS. This funding is not available to international students. Depending ...
Student finance for mature students: Find out about funding you can access as a mature applicant, including loans, grants, scholarships and bursaries.
NHS Bursary up to £4,395 for 45+ weeks living away from parents Up to £3,351 living with parents Repayable funding Not means tested Apply to Student Finance England on PN1 form £2,324 (living away from home) £1,744 (living at home) ...