Apply using your preferred choice, you can change your uni/course details later if you need to! Find out what you need to know about student finance before you apply and visit our: Student toolkit Student timeline Currently a student and need help with a query or problem?Find answers to yo...
The Student Finance England DSA can only be used to cover expenditure and equipment costs that arise as a direct consequence of the effects of a disability on your studies. It cannot be used to cover costs that will be incurred by all students, such as standard course textbooks, basic statio...
Student finance for mature students: Find out about funding you can access as a mature applicant, including loans, grants, scholarships and bursaries.
LordBrowneaskedtolookatfindingasustainablewaytofinanceHigherEducation SetupbytheLabourGovernment ReportedtotheCoalition ChangestoTuitionFeesbutalsotothewaystudentsarefunded... Somenegativechangesbutalsomanypositiveones! TuitionFees Governmentannouncedthatuniversitieswillbeallowedtochargehigherfeesfrom2012 £6,000‘...
Finance and Tuition, News May 4, 2024 Mastering the FAFSA: the new application process explained Carla Daniela Mendez | Staff Writer During the shift from the spring semester to summer break, students face the recurring challenge of filling out the… Editorials, Opinion May 3, 2024 DeSantis...