scaphotrapeziotrapezoidal JointarthroscopyportalsVolar wrist ganglion is the second most common wrist mass and accounts for 20% of all cases. Surgery is the gold standard for persistent and symptomatic ganglia. Arthroscopic resection has gained popularity in the past two decades. Application of this ...
Wrist arthroscopy was done in all patients before open surgery to assess the status of the radio-carpal joint and to grade the SL instability according to the EWAS classification of scapholunate tears. All the patients gave a history of trauma and the mean period from the injury to the ...
Description of TechniqueFollowing completion of ADCLR, the STT joint is approached through the flexor carpi radialis sheath. The palmaris longus tendon is harvested. Fluoroscopy is used to site guide wires for tunnel placement in the distal scaphoid and the proximal trapezium; 3.5-mm tunnels are ...
Purpose: Thumb carpometacarpal (CMC) joint arthroplasty is one of the most commonly performed surgeries by hand surgeons. A large portion of these patients also have scaphotrapezoidal (ST) arthritis in addition to CMC arthritis. The purposes of this study were to quantify the amount of transverse...