The wrist joint of two-toed sloths and its rele- vance to brachiating adaptations in the hominoidea. J Morphol 162:413-424.Mendel FC (1979) The wrist joint of two‐toed sloths and its relevance to brachiating adaptations in the Hominoidea. J Morphol 162:413-424...
wrist (redirected fromWrist-joint) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia wrist (rĭst) n. 1. a.Thejointbetweenthehumanhandandforearm. b.Asimilarjointinothervertebrates. c.Seecarpus. 2.Thepartof asleeveorglovethatencirclesthewrist. tr.v.wrist·ed,wrist·ing,wrists ...
wrist joint- a joint between the distal end of the radius and the proximal row of carpal bones articulatio radiocarpea,carpus,radiocarpal joint,wrist carpal,carpal bone,wrist bone- any of the eight small bones of the wrist of primates ...
The wrist is not a hinge joint. Although the wrist does open and close along a single plane, it is also able to rotate around an axis. True hinge joints cannot rotate. What is an example of a hinge joint? An example of a hinge joint is the knee. The knee is able to extend to ...
例句 释义: 全部,腕关节扭伤 更多例句筛选 1. Sprain of the Wrist Joint 腕关节扭伤 您要找的是不是 sprain of the wrist joint 必应词典应用 准确权威无广告去官网了解更多 下载手机版必应词典 iOS Windows Phone Android 体验P C 版必应词典Win32 版Microsoft 商店 ...
Wrist arthrography is performed primarily to evaluate soft tissue abnormalities of the wrist including interosseous ligament tears and triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) perforation. However, the reliability of arthrogram findings is still uncertain. Between January 1991 and August 1992, bilateral arthr...
Arthroscopy is widely used nowadays for the diagnosis and treatment of increasing numbers of disorders of the knee, shoul-der, elbow, ankle, wrist and hip. Arthroscopy of wrist joint has also been developed as a useful diagnostic device as well as a successful surgical tool in managing ...
The radiological signs that suggest involvement of the volar compartments of the wrist include grooving of the scaphoid, pseudocysts of the distal radius, and scaphoid-lunate dissociation. These indicate involvement of the radiocarpal ligamentous support. This leads to loss of stability of the scaphoid...
The joints of the hand The wrist joint The intercarpal joints The carpometacarpal joints The intermetacarpal joint The metacarpophalangeal joints The interphalangeal jointsTransverse acetebular lig.Ligament of head of femurAcetabulum labrumIliofemoral lig.Ischiofemoral lig.Pubofemoral lig.Zona ...
CHAPTER 266 – Technique for Intra-articular Injection of the Wrist Jointdoi:10.1016/b978-1-4160-5893-9.00266-5Steven D. WaldmanW.B. SaundersPain ReviewWaldman SD. Intra-articular Injection of the Wrist Joint. Atlas of Pain Management Injection Techniques. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders; ...