MAF工厂目前正在生产ET 094用于测试,ET-118(STS-115)将于5月30日发送至KSC,ET-119(STS-121)、ET-120也用于测试,ET-121(前STS-114)、ET-123(STS-116)将于8月7日交付KSC。STS 300是NASA为应急救援任务CSCS(Contingency Shuttle Crew Support)指定的任务编号,如果任务控制认为当前任务的热保护系统(TPS)和增强...
第二天,另一场EVA测试了“CETA”乘员和设备翻译辅助车(Crew and Equipment Translation Aids)。通过SAREX 2项目,宇航员们能够与业余无线电爱好者进行通信。亚特兰蒂斯号在飞行5天23小时33分钟后,于4月11日在加利福尼亚州爱德华兹空军基地的22号跑道着陆。 1991年4月18日,亚特兰蒂斯号返回肯尼迪航天中心,747运输机于...
120 1023 10月23日 2007 STS-120 发现号 7/7 15d 02h 肯尼迪 ISS assembly 飞行 10A: US Harmony module, crew rotation 121 0207 2月7日 2008 STS-122 亚特兰蒂斯号 7/7 12d 18h 肯尼迪 ISS assembly 飞行 1E: European Laboratory Columbus, crew rotation 122 0311 3月11日 2008 STS-123...
In April 1990, Sullivan served on the crew of STS-31, which launched from Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on April 24, 1990. WikiMatrix במקור, הייתה המשימה אמורה להיקרא STS-13. The flight was originally numbere...
使用https:lithfanemaker.com创建的岩性窗格地球仪/ 原始图片:https:pacefright.nasa.govhuttle/archivests-107/crew/index.html 来自维基百科,免费百科全书 哥伦比亚号航天飞机灾难是2003年2月1日美国航天计划中的一次致命事件...
Whether solo or with a crew, its pirate-based gameplay will have you swabbing the deck with excitement. Developers Rare Ltd. struck gold with this high-seas multiplayer adventure, defining what it really means to run a tight ship. Also ranks #1 on The Best Multiplayer Games on Xbox Game ...
Wrecking Crew 1985 37 votes Developer: Nintendo R&D1 PurchaseView on AMAZON 15 Lemmings 1994 32 votes Developer: DMA Design Also ranks #7 on Educational Computer Games From Your Childhood That You Totally Forgot About Also ranks #8 on If You Played These Video Games As A Kid, You're Probab...
第二天,另一场EVA测试了“CETA”乘员和设备翻译辅助车(Crew and Equipment Translation Aids)。通过SAREX 2项目,宇航员们能够与业余无线电爱好者进行通信。亚特兰蒂斯号在飞行5天23小时33分钟后,于4月11日在加利福尼亚州爱德华兹空军基地的22号跑道着陆。
Made up of a motley crew of rogues and mavericks, the top-secret combat unit uses unconventional techniques to battle the Nazis and change the course of the war. Released: 2024 Directed by: Guy Ritchie Rated: R Also ranks #1 on The Best Movies And TV Shows Based On A True Story From ...