Introduction Nucleic acids are macromolecules made up of smaller nucleotide subunits. They carry genetic information, form specific structures in a cell. DNA & RNA Structure What is DNA and why is DNA important? DNA is able to determine an organism’s traits by determining the structure of an o...
MOLECULARSTRUCTURE OFNUCLEICACIDS AStructureforDeaxyribose NucleicAcid Background •posingoftheproblem 20世纪40年代末和50年代初,在DNA被确认为遗传 物质之后,人们不得不面临着一个难题:DNA必须能够携 带遗传信息,能够自我复制传递遗传信息,能够让遗传信 息得到表达以控制细胞活动,并且能够突变并保留突变。 这4点...
英文ThestructureofDNA.ppt,Chapter 2 The structure of DNA Outline 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Primary structure: the components of nucleic acids 2.3 Significance of 5’ and 3’ 2.4 Nomenclature of nucleotides 2.5 The length of RNA and DNA 2.6 Secondary structure
Discovering the structure of DNA DNA = Deoxyribose nucleic acid Made out of sugars (deoxyribose), phosphates and nitrogen bases Discovering the structure of DNA Structure was discovered in 1953 by James Watson and Francis Crick And I got to hang out with Watson!!! Discovering the structure of D...
andbiosyntheticreactions. Theirpolymers,thenucleicacidsDNA andRNA,aretheprimaryplayersinthe storageanddecodingofgenetic information.. Nucleotidesandnucleicacidsalso performstructuralandcatalyticrolesin cells. Nootherclassofmoleculesparticipates insuchvariedfunctionsorsomany functionsthatareessentialforlife Purinesand...
Covalentband fattyacidaminoacid nucleotide macromolecules protein Noncovalentband nucleicacid threedimensionalstructure I.Water 1.content70%ofacellweight 2.thespecificpropertiesofwater *polarmolecules *hydrogenbond Highsurfacetension structureofwater Highheatcapacity Highheatofvaporization Highsolubility ...
16 June 2016 stickiness via a highly stable 3D structure Shogo Yoshimoto*, Hajime Nakatani*, Keita Iwasaki & Katsutoshi Hori Trimeric autotransporter adhesins (TAAs), cell surface proteins of Gram-negative bacteria, mediate bacterial adhesion to host cells and extracellular matrix proteins. ...
Nucleic acid: RNA or DNA, a macromolecule consisting of a chain of nucleotides joined together by phosphodiester bonds. Protein: The major macromolecular constituent of cells. A linear polymer of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds in a specific sequence. Chapter 2 Basic Structure of the...
DNA structure Polymer of nucleotide subunits A, T, G, C Base-pairing (complementary) A=T and CG Double helix (Watson & Crick) antiparallel right-handed Nucleotides Monomeric subunits of nucleic acids Composed of: Phosphate group Five-carbon sugar: ribose (RNA) or deoxyribose (DNA) Nitrogen...
Nucleic Acids Nucleic Acids Individual nucleotides can be linked together by covalent bonds to form a polynucleotide. There are two basic kinds of nucleic acids: (1) Ribonucleic acid (RNA), which contains the sugar ribose. (2) Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which contains the sugar deoxyribose. ...