Structure of a bacteriochlorophyll a-protein from the green photosynthetic bacterium Prosthecochloris aestuarii. J. Mol. Biol. 131:259-285.Matthews BW, Fenna RE, Bolognesi MC, Schmid MF and Olson JM (1979) Structure of a bacteriochlorophyll a -protein from the green photosynthetic bacterium Prost...
细菌的形态与结构morphology and structure of bacteria 细菌bacterium是单细胞原核细胞型生物;广义的细菌包括狭义的细菌、枝原体、衣原体、立克次氏体、螺旋体、放线菌;狭义的细菌是指为数众多的具有典型代表性的细菌。 细菌的大小与形态 细菌细胞很小,常以微米为计量单位,其宽度平均为1.0μm。, 单个细菌细胞有3种...
Since the N terminus of Sa-A2M is anchored to the inner membrane of the bacterium, these two additional domains may impart Sa-A2M with more freedom of motion and range for trapping proteases and/or provide additional shielding of the trapped protease from its substrates. This may be an ...
1、Morphology and Structure of Bacterium,教学目标,1011 掌握细菌的三种基本形态及细菌的测量单位。 1012 描述细菌基本结构及其功能, 掌握革兰阳性菌和阴性菌细胞壁的组成、结构和医学意义。 1013 掌握荚膜、鞭毛、菌毛、芽孢的特性及其与医学的关系。 1014 掌握革兰染色的步骤、结果判定和医学意义,Content,Size and ...
Henderson, R., 1977, The purple membrane from Halobacterium halobium, Annu. Rev. Biophys. Bioeng. 6: 87 – 109. CAS Google Scholar Henrici, A. T., 1925, A statistical study of the form and growth of the cholera vibrio, J. Infect. Dis. 37: 75 – 81. Google Scholar Higgins, ...
BasalStructureofbacteria cellwallcellmembranecytoplasm:ribosomenucleoid:chromosome cellwall:fallintotwomajor categories:G+bacterium G bacterium Gram’sStain:purple Gram’sStain:red CellWall •Peptido-glycanPolymer(aminoacids+sugars)•Uniquetobacteria•Sugars;NAG&NAM–N-acetylglucosamine–N-acetymuramicacid...
The stalks (hyphae) of a prosthecate bacterium, directly sampled from the water surface of a hot pond, show extended regular patterns on their envelope in the electron microscope. Image processing revealed a structure of the crystalline complexes which is very similar to the gross morphology of ...
a bacterium that is also implicated in cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis and pre-term low birth-weight. More recently, epidemiological studies have further reported an increased prevalence of PD in RA14,15, which is consistent with the antique claim made by Hippocra...
The structure of bacterial cellulose Electron microscopic observations show that the cellulose built by Acetobacterium xylinum occurs in the form of fibres having about the same diameter ( ca 250 脜) as that of the fibrils of cellulose from the cell walls of nemerous plants... K Mühlethaler...
Rather, chaperone binding prevents self-aggregation of VirE2 and binding of DNA within the bacterium. Formation of the complex also ensures that VirE2's disordered C-terminal tail is solvent exposed and accessible for docking with the T4CP [71]. In L. pneumophila, the Dot/Icm T4SS ...