The formula is below:FSn(Bi,Bj)=CSn(Bi,Bj)/TSn(totalcis+totaltrans)F refers to the relative trans-interaction frequency. Sn refers to stage n. (Bi, Bj) refers to interactions between bin i and bin j. C refers to the normalized interaction count. T refers to the total number of ...
The molecular mass determined for free UCK was about 100 kDa, which was in agreement with the formula molecular mass of the UCK tetramer (112 kDa). This result is also consistent with the molecular mass of 120 kDa estimated by gel-filtration chromatography (data not shown). When a feedback...
The structure contains a bound molecule of dTTP (shown as sticks) in the active site. Grey spheres are Mg2+ ions. b | Close‑up of the RT active site (PDB accession as in part a) and DNA polymerization. The 3ʹ‑hydroxyl group, absent in the original structure48, is added ...