* This includes both natural children and PTRACE_ATTACH targets. * 'ptrace_entry' is this task's link on the p->parent->ptraced list. */ structlist_headptraced; structlist_headptrace_entry; /* PID/PID hash table linkage. */ structpid*thread_pid; structhlist_nodepid_links[PIDTYPE_MAX...
进程通过alloc_thread_info_node函数分配它的内核栈,通过free_thread_info函数释放所分配的内核栈。 # if THREAD_SIZE >= PAGE_SIZE staticstruct thread_info *alloc_thread_info_node(struct task_struct *tsk, int node) { struct page *page = alloc_kmem_pages_node(node, THREADINFO_GFP, THREAD_SIZE_...
也可以给typedef struct LNode结构体弄个替代的名字List,这样sizeof(struct LNode)就变为sizeof(List),方便很多。 #include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>typedefstructLNode*p;//用p来给结构体LNode指针(struct LNode *)定义别名typedefstructLNode{inta;charb; }List;//用List来给结构体LNode(struct LNode...
linklist new_node = (linklist)malloc(sizeof(node)); // 分配内存空间 new_node->data = data; new_node->next = head; head = new_node; // 更新头节点为新节点 return head; } int main() { linklist head = create_list(); // 创建空链表 head = insert_node(head, 1); // 插入节点...
structfile {//fs.hunion {structllist_node fu_llist;structrcu_head fu_rcuhead; } f_u;structpath f_path;structinode *f_inode;conststructfile_operations *f_op; spinlock_t f_lock;enumrw_hint f_write_hint; atomic_long_t f_count; ...
struct ListNode* ReverseList(struct ListNode* head ) { // write code here struct ListNode* newnode = NULL; if((head == NULL) || (head->next == NULL)) return head; else { newnode = ReverseList(head->next); head->next->next = head; head->next = NULL; return newnode; } }点...
list he= (list)ralloc(sizeof(node)); list p he; while( ha next我hb-next if( ha - >next> hb p->next hb->nexti hb hb- >nex els p- next ha -> next ha ha- next p= p- next if( ha >next = NULL) next hb- next: ...
void printList(struct ListNode* head) { struct ListNode* current = head; while (current != NULL) { printf("%s ", current->str); current = current->next; } } void updateNode(struct ListNode* node, char* newStr) { strcpy(node->str, newStr); } ...
struct task_struct { 1258 volatile long state; /* -1 unrunnable, 0 runnable, >0 stopped */ 1259 void *stack; 1260 atomic_t usage; 1261 unsigned int flags; /* per process flags, defined below */ 1262 unsigned int ptrace; 1263 1264 #ifdef CONFIG_SMP 1265 struct llist_node wake_entry...
struct hlist_node i_hash; struct list_head i_list; struct list_head i_sb_list; struct list_head i_dentry; unsigned long i_ino; atomic_t i_count; unsigned int i_nlink; uid_t i_uid; gid_t i_gid; dev_t i_rdev;//该成员表示设备文件的inode结构,它包含了真正的设备编号。