const struct device_driver *async_driver; char *deferred_probe_reason; struct device *device; u8 dead:1; }; struct device { struct kobject kobj; struct device *parent; struct device_private *p; ... } 2device_add 初始化device_private,并将这个device加入parent的klist_children列表。 int device...
在i2c_of_match_device中,调用了of_match_device()和i2c_of_match_device_sysfs()两个函数,这两个函数代表了两种匹配方式,先来看看of_match_device: const struct of_device_id *of_match_device(const struct of_device_id *matches,const struct device *dev) { if ((!matches) || (!dev->of_node)...
* @p: Holds the private data of the driver core portions of the device. * See the comment of the struct device_private for detail. * @kobj: A top-level, abstract class from which other classes are derived. * @init_name: Initial name of the device. * @type: The type of device. ...
private void Start_Animation(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { myStoryboard.Begin(); } This example shows how you can set the RepeatBehavior in code. The animations are the same as in the previous example, but have the x:Name attribute set, and the RepeatBehavior is set in the Start...
struct device_private *p; struct kobject kobj; const char *init_name; struct device_type *type; struct bus_type *bus; struct driver *driver; void *platform_data; struct dev_archdata *archdata; void *driver_data; }; ``` 从上面的定义可以看出,struct device对象包含了设备的各种属性,如设备...
};struct{/*Tail pages of compound page*/unsignedlongcompound_head;/*Bit zero is set*/};struct{/*ZONE_DEVICE pages*//** @pgmap: Points to the hosting device page map.*/structdev_pagemap *pgmap;void*zone_device_data;/** ZONE_DEVICE private pages are counted as being ...
void *i_private; /* fs or device private pointer */ }; 2、struct file ──字符设备驱动相关重要结构 文件结构代表一个打开的文件描述符,它不是专门给驱动程序使用的,系统中每一个打开的文件在内核中都有一个关联的struct file。它由内核在open时创建,并传递给在文件上操作的任何函数,知道最后关闭。当文...
intip_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev, struct packet_type *pt,struct net_device *orig_dev) { structnet*net=dev_net(dev);//返回与给定网络设备关联的net结构 //net结构用以表示内核中的网络命名空间 skb = ip_rcv_core(skb, net); ...
/* PF_KTHREAD | PF_IO_WORKER */void*worker_private; u64 utime;u64 stime; u64 gtime;structprev_cputimeprev_cputime; /* Context switch counts: */unsignedlongnvcsw;unsignedlongnivcsw; /* Monotonic time in nsecs: */u64 start_time; ...
DeviceMemoryReusePlan 结构体类 AippChannelSwapPara AippCropPara AippCscPara AippDtcPara AippInputShape AippPaddingPara AippResizePara BuildOptions DynamicShapeConfig NativeHandle 模型管家V2接口 Overview 模型编译类 Build CreateModelBuilder 已编译模型类 CreateBuiltModel CheckCompa...