关键就在这其中的bit-field是如何解释成-14和-2的。 从结果来看,可以知道:bitstruct的3个field都在同一个存储单元内,并且由于x86是little-endian的,数据从内存读到寄存器之后字节序就反了过来,高位字节到低位字节的顺序是“从右向左”;对应的,解释bitstruct中的各field时也从右向左来读。 寄存器中的b: 'n' ...
/usr/include/linux/ip.h中有一段代码定义了ip首部的结构体,例如以下: struct iphdr { #if defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN_BITFIELD) __u8 ihl:4, version:4; #elif defined (__BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD) __u8 version:4, ihl:4; #else #error "Please fix <asm/byteorder.h>" #endif __u8 tos; __be1...
endianstructfieldbitbitstructlittle Endianess是个比较tricky的问题,特别是当数据在不同类型间转换时。 先看看在一台32位的little-endian机器上,以下代码的行为: #include<;stdio.h>;//memcpy #include<;stdlib.h>;//printf typedefstruct{ chara; charb; charc; chard; }st; voidmain(){ sts; memcpy(&;...
CharField::decode((byte)bit_field_);CharField::encode((char)value);CharField::is_valid((char)value);//tests if value can fit in 2 bitsCharField::kMask;//returns (byte)0b0110, i.e. the maskCharField::kShift;//returns 1, the starting bit position you specifiedCharField::kNext;//retu...
structiphdr{#ifdefined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN_BITFIELD)__u8 ihl:4,version:4;#elifdefined(__BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD)__u8 version:4,ihl:4;#else#error"Please fix <asm/byteorder.h>"#endif__u8 tos;__be16 tot_len;__be16 id;__be16 frag_off;__u8 ttl;__u8 protocol;__sum16 check;__be32 ...
we could post back some sample complete code with a bit of explanation Cheers, JohnJohn Machin #7 Jul 24 '06, 09:15 PM Re: prob with struct and byte order Grant Edwards wrote: On 2006-07-24, Steve Holden <steve@holdenwe b.comwrote: nephish@xit.net wrote: now the 17758 is si...
In this case the length field includes the terminating zeros: struct DynamicStringWithNullTermination { // no getSizeOf() uint32_t length sizeof(value); char value[] null-terminated; } Memory Layout Fields of a struct are layed-out without spacing in the order they appear top-down in ...
在二进制写文件时,可以用 模块将数据捆绑成结构体转化成字节流,为了方便与 交互,避免 在读...
}//////The offset of the bit field///publicbyteOffset {get;privateset; }//////The number of bits the bit field occupies///publicbyteLength {get;privateset; } } Marker Interface In order to create generic extension methods for structs or classes you need to have base class or interfac...
but if the order of the bits in the unsigned int needs to be reversed as an entity - it's not too difficult. Here's a simple example of bit-reversal in an unsigned char which I cobbled together a couple of years ago. It shouldn't be difficult for you to adapt it for an unsigne...