strong drink alcoholic liquors. bebida fuerte ˈstronghold noun a fort, fortress or castle etc. fortalezastrong language swearing or abuse. palabras duras; lenguaje franco; palabrotas, insultos ˌstrong-ˈminded adjective having determination. resuelto, decididostrong point a quality, skill etc...
Another American spirit, this pure grain alcohol is only intended for mixing to create other alcoholic drinks. Be warned that attempting to drink Golden Grain straight can produce an intense burning sensation. 4. Bruichladdich X4 Quadrupled Whisky Courtesy of Bruichladdich Proof: 184 (92% alcoho...
Another American spirit, this pure grain alcohol is only intended for mixing to create other alcoholic drinks. Be warned that attempting to drink Golden Grain straight can produce an intense burning sensation. 4. Bruichladdich X4 Quadrupled Whisky Courtesy of Bruichladdich Proof: 184 (92% alcoho...