strong drink alcoholic liquors. bebida fuerte ˈstronghold noun a fort, fortress or castle etc. fortalezastrong language swearing or abuse. palabras duras; lenguaje franco; palabrotas, insultos ˌstrong-ˈminded adjective having determination. resuelto, decididostrong point a quality, skill etc...
Being distilled rather than fermented; having a high alcoholic contentExample:hard liquorSynonyms:hard; strongClassified under:AdjectivesSimilar:alcoholic (characteristic of or containing alcohol)Sense 4Meaning:Not faint or feebleExample:a strong odor of burning rubber...
Have Wines Become More Alcoholic? Yes. The reason why wine has become naturally higher in alcohol has a lot to do with science. For example, back in the 1950s, yeast would not survive in alcohol levels too much higher than 13.5% ABV. In fact, it was common to get a “stuck ferment...