社会联系和参与与卒中后功能限制和抑郁症状的关系 How Social Connection and Engagement Relate to Functional Limitations and Depressive Symptoms Outcomes After Stroke(PMID: 37363947) 研究结果表明,社会联系和参与可能会减少卒中的负面生理...
Our meta-analysis revealed that while endovascular thrombectomy may be effective in alleviating disabling deficits due to posterior cerebral artery strokes, it is not associated with different odds of functional independence and may be associated with higher odds of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage. 血糖...
Clinical Diagnosis and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients With Transient and Minor Neurological Symptoms: A Prospective Cohort Study 在最初诊断为非卒中/TIA或诊断不确定的短暂或轻型神经症状患者中,约1/6发现了急性脑缺血的MRI证...
Stroke Symptoms The most common symptoms of a stroke are: Weakness or numbness of the face, arm, or leg on one side of the body Loss of vision or dimming (like a curtain falling) in one or both eyes Loss of speech, difficulty talking or understanding what others are saying ...
Stroke Symptoms The most common symptoms of a stroke are: Weakness or numbness of the face, arm, or leg on one side of the body Loss of vision or dimming (like a curtain falling) in one or both eyes Loss of speech, difficulty talking or understanding what others are saying ...
Acute large artery occlusion; causing a stroke: e.g., proximal artery occlusion in anterior cerebral circulation (M1) or occlusion of the internal carotid artery [17] Disabling stroke symptoms (NIHSS≥ 6) Limited affected area on CT (Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score ≥ 6) Previously ind...
It is important to be aware of stroke symptoms. Seek immediate emergency care if you experience stroke symptoms.The doctor will first try to determine whether your stroke is caused by a clot or bleeding. Based on this information, he or she will begin the appropriate treatment.Thrombotic and ...
Clinical findings in stroke are determined by the location of the lesion(s) (Table 167–1), but the degree of collateral circulation may cause variations in the specific clinical symptoms and their severity. Table 167–1 Anterior and Posterior Circulation of the Brain View Table| Favorite table...
The signs and symptoms will depend on the type of stroke you had and where it occurred:Loss of consciousness Loss of vision in one or both eyes Vomiting or a severe headache Sudden weakness or paralysis in your arm, leg, or face Sudden trouble walking, speaking, or understanding words you...
Types and symptoms Ahemorrhagicstroke, involvingintracranial bleeding, may occur after an artery ruptures, usually as a result of a weakening of the arterial wall because of atherosclerosis or because of a thinning of the wall along with bulging (aneurysm), often due tohypertension. ...