Both a heart attack and stroke happen when a piece of plaque blocks blood flow through an artery. In a heart attack, the blockage prevents blood from flowing to part of the heart muscle. A stroke happens when there is a blockage in blood flow to the brain. ...
Prevalence and Predictors of Food Insecurity Among Stroke Survivors in the United States 2015年,三分之一的卒中患者报告了FI,几乎是未发生卒中患者的两倍。 有精神病史的缺血性卒中患者再灌注治疗的差异和时间延迟 Disparities in Repe...
Injury to an artery due to sudden head or neck movements (these are rare) Risk factors include: Smoking High blood pressure Diabetes Atrial fibrillation Heart Disease What makes this stroke unique is the location. It's in a very tight small spot that controls vital functions so the consequences...
The normally smooth inner wall of the artery is now roughed with plaque deposits, causing blood cells to build up and form clots (Fig. 2B). Clot build-up usually occurs in large blood vessels of the neck and base of the brain.
Blood clots also cause embolic strokes. However, in the case of embolic strokes, the blood clot forms in an artery outside the brain. Often these blood clots start in the heart and travel until they become lodged in an artery of the brain. The physical and neurological damage embolic stroke...
Types and symptoms Ahemorrhagicstroke, involvingintracranial bleeding, may occur after an artery ruptures, usually as a result of a weakening of the arterial wall because of atherosclerosis or because of a thinning of the wall along with bulging (aneurysm), often due tohypertension. ...
At some hospitals, clot-busting drugs are given through a small catheter that is threaded up into the neck and into the artery where there is a blockage. This treatment can potentially be used up to 6 hours after onset of stroke symptoms. Recently, three large studies compared this technique...
Small vessel occlusion (e.g., lacunar infarct) (∼ 20%): see “Subtypes and variants” below. Global cerebral ischemia Systemic hypoperfusion Shock or bilateral large artery atherosclerosis (e.g., of carotid arteries)→ decreased effective oxygen delivery to the whole brain Common during cardia...
A catheter is guided into the artery until it is near the clot. Medicine is put through the catheter that will help break apart the clot. The clot may be pulled out of the artery. Surgery may be used to remove a blood clot or to relieve pressure within your brain. You may also need...
A catheter is guided into the artery until it is near the clot. Medicine is put through the catheter that will help break apart the clot. The clot may be pulled out of the artery. Surgery may be used to remove a blood clot or to relieve pressure within your brain. You may also need...