Orchestras are made up of four main sections: strings, woodwind, brass and percussion. Of these four, the string family is typically the largest section, often comprising half the orchestra performers. The string section itself is divided further into four – or five – sections, depending on ...
弦乐器 ...分乐器进行建模,其类图如图5-1所示,包括:乐器(Instrument)、管乐器(Wind)、 打击乐器(Percussion)、弦乐器(Stringed)、木管乐器(Woodwind)、铜管乐器(Brass)。 相关网页 短语 stringed instruments 弦乐器 | 弦乐 | 琵琶 stringed instrument 弦乐器 | 八音之一 Seven stringed music 七弦清音 ...
compare brass, percussion, woodwind on tennis racket [countable] any of the tightly stretched pieces of nylon or natural gut in a racket, used for hitting balls in tennis and some other sportsTopics Sports: ball and racket sportsb2 ...
15.There is the usual string, woodwind, brass and percussion of western orchestra.有西洋管弦乐队常见的弦乐器,木管和铜管乐器,还有打击乐器。 16.Of or relating to the strings of an instrument.乐器上弦的或与乐器上弦有关的 17.the instruments of the orchestra演奏管弦乐的乐器. 18.The percussion sect...
The meaning of STRINGED INSTRUMENT is a musical instrument (such as a guitar, violin, or piano) that has strings and that produces sound when the strings are touched or struck.
用法例句 1. A symphony orchestra is composed of a variety of brass, woodwind, percussion andstringedinstruments. 交响乐队是由各种各样的铜管乐器、木管乐器、打击乐器和弦乐器组成的。 2. Some of these images include figures never seen before in France, such as a woman playing astringedinstrument,...
弦乐器是乐器的一种。 —— 辞典例句 3. The strings of that orchestra sound beautiful. 那个管弦乐队弦乐器悦耳动听。 —— 辞典例句 4. The viola is a stringed instrument. 中提琴是一种弦乐器。 —— 辞典例句 5. There are the usual strings, woodwind, brass and percussion of a western orchestr...
参考例句 There is the usual string, woodwind, brass and percussion of western orchestra. 有西洋管弦乐队常见的弦乐器,木管和铜管乐器,还有打击乐器。1 2 〈 〉 常用英语 你好 晚安 永远 加油 当然 惊喜 微笑 完美 漂亮 没问题 谢谢你 亲爱的 不客气 生日快乐 全部 学习站点 沪江英语 小D词典 常用...
A symphony orchestra is composed of the metal, woodwind, percussion and stringed instruments. 交响乐队是由许多不同的铜乐器,木管乐器,学习外语考试。 Beethoven was a very fine pianist, besides being able to play the violin and other stringed instruments. 贝多芬是个出色的钢琴演奏家,也会演奏小提琴...
This is stranger than it might seem. Whereas pianos and organs can only play discrete notes locked to a chosen scale, many traditional instruments are less constrained. All non-fretted string instruments allow you to play any pitch within their ranges, and many brass and woodwind instruments allo...