Modern woodwind instruments are developed from folk music, such as the reed and flute.; There are some sound holes in the tube body. You can block or let go the specific sound holes to change the effective length to make a different pitch. ; There are roughly two kinds of appearance for...
musicalinstrumentsdifferencechinesewoodwinderhu 王力耕张静喻美 梁钰刘岩谢马婷 刘晓晗安婷婷郭瑞英 小组成员: Thehistoryofmusicalinstrumentsdatesbackto thebeginningsofhumanculture.Thepurposeof earlymusicalinstrumentswasritual:ahunter mightuseatrumpettosignalsuccessonthehunt, orashamanmightuseadruminareligious ceremony....
In musical instruments, one of the valve levers used to select notes, such as a lever opening a hole on a woodwind. Key In instruments with a keyboard such as an organ or piano, one of the levers, or especially the exposed front end of it, which are depressed to cause a particular ...