在Python中,我们可以使用split()方法来将一个字符串分割成数组。该方法会根据指定的分隔符将字符串分割成多个子串,并返回一个包含这些子串的列表。 以下是split()方法的基本语法: str.split(sep=None,maxsplit=-1) 1. sep: 指定用来分割字符串的分隔符。如果不指定分隔符,则默认为所有空白字符(空格、制表符、...
字符串分割为单词数组 如果我们想将一个字符串分割为一个单词数组,我们可以使用Python的split()方法。split()方法将字符串根据指定的分隔符进行分割,并返回一个包含分割后的各个单词的数组。下面是一个示例代码: string="Hello, World!"array=string.split(", ")print(array) 1. 2. 3. 代码执行结果为: ['He...
int PyArg_ParseTuple(PyObject *arg, char *format, ...); Theargargument must be a tuple object containing an argument list passed from Python to a C function. Theformatargument must be a format string, whose syntax is explained below. The remaining arguments must be addresses of variables w...
姓名,年龄|另外一个用户姓名,年龄 name:haha,age:20|name:python,age:30|name:fef,age:55 那我们可以通过字符串对象的split方法切割字符串对象为列表。 a = 'name:haha,age:20|name:python,age:30|name:fef,age:55' print a.split('|') 返回结果: ['name:haha,age:20', 'name:python,age:30', '...
正则表达式-python:split的用法 在python种split的作用:修改字符串(Modifying a string) In almost every language, you can find the split operation in strings. 在python3中使用split特别注意两点: 正则表达式(pattern)带不带括号的区别 第一个字符就与正则表达式匹配,结果中的第一个位置会包含一个空字符(Note ...
ExampleGet your own Python Server Split a string into a list, using comma, followed by a space (, ) as the separator: txt ="apple, banana, cherry" x = txt.rsplit(", ") print(x) Try it Yourself » Definition and Usage Thersplit()method splits a string into a list, starting ...
# Output: ['Python', 'is', 'fun'] split() Syntax str.split(separator, maxsplit) split() Parameters Thesplit()method takes a maximum of2parameters: separator(optional) - Specifies the delimiter used to split the string. If not provided, whitespace is used as the default delimiter. ...
Withre.split, we can split strings by using regular expressions. re.split(pattern, string, maxsplit=0, flags=0) The method gives us more powerful options to cut strings. reg_split.py #!/usr/bin/python import re line = "sky, \nclub, \tcpu; cloud, \n\n\nwar; pot, rock, water...
然后利用split()的方法,把字符按照空格来切分,这样所有的单词都会切分出来,不会出现单词和标点连在一起的情况了。 from string import punctuation as punct #引入punctuation模块,给它起个别名:punct s="Hello! Life is short, and I like Python. Do you like it?" # 设定要替换的字符串 ...
Learn to split a string in Python from the basic split() method to more advanced approaches such as splitlines() and regex module with examples.