1publicintcompare(String s1, String s2) {2intn1 =s1.length();3intn2 =s2.length();4intmin =Math.min(n1, n2);5for(inti = 0; i < min; i++) {6charc1 =s1.charAt(i);7charc2 =s2.charAt(i);8if(c1 !=c2) {9c1 =Character.toUpperCase(c1);10c2 =Character.toUpperCase(c2);11...
字符串是可能含有大小写的, 在String::compareTo中认为A和a是不同的, 那么在忽略大小写的场景中就不适用了;既然String提供了基于Comparator的内部类, 是不是对这种场景做了特殊处理呢?我们接下来看CaseInsensitiveComparator的核心实现: 可以看到compare的逻辑和String:compareTo大同小异, 只是在第二步的时候做了特殊...
SELECT CASE WHEN 'abc'='ABC' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS MATCHED FROM DUAL; Since Oracle compares the content and casing as well, it will return 0. We can ignore case and compare only content by altering user session by using NLS_COMP and NLS_SORT parameters. To set these parameters, we c...
```/** *1.- (NSComparisonResult)caseInsensitiveCompare:(NSString *)string; * * @param string:The string with which to compare the receiver. * * @return :Returns an NSComparisonResult value that indicates the lexical ordering. NSOrderedAscending the receiver precedes aString in lexical ordering, ...
}nsDependentStringfullStringStr(fullString, fullStringLen);// Compare various properties looking for a match (exact or partial)if( (nickName && fullStringStr.Equals(nsDependentString(nickName),nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator())) || (displayName && ...
string.toLowerCase(); Example: Case Insensitive String Comparison Using toUpperCase() Method Consider the above created strings “string1” and “string2” and then compare them using the toUpperCase() method with strict equality operator:
跟compareToIgnoreCase 差不多,忽略大小写
>CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER一个对String对象进行排序的Comparator,作用与 compareToIgnoreCase 相同。 三者, path.list()为什么会返回...,String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); // 打印 for(StringdirItem : list) System.out.println(dirItem); } }在eclipse中,右键run一下,可以得到如下的 ...