string> #include <algorithm> // for std::transform #include <cctype> // for std::tolower bool caseInsensitiveCompare(const std::string& str1, const std::string& str2) { std::string lowerStr1 = str1; std::string lowerStr2 = str2; std::transform(lower...
I chose to transform both strings to lower case in order to compare them, but choosing the upper case would also work just fine.struct Comparator { bool operator() (const std::string& s1, const std::string& s2) const { std::string str1(s1.length(),' '); std::string str2(s2....
LPSTR ptr; // ptr to asciiz string} KEYWORD, *PKEYWORD;static BYTE iskeyword(LPSTR pstr) { KEYWORD* pkw; // srchproc / srchproci = case-sensitive / case-insensitive compare // .parr = ptr to appropriate array // language keywords - according to current file: ASM / Basic / CPP ....
{ std::set<std::string, CaseInsensitiveCompare> mySet; mySet.insert("apple"); mySet.insert("Banana"); mySet.insert("CHERRY"); std::string searchKey = "banana"; auto it = mySet.find(searchKey); if (it != mySet.end()) { std::cout << "Element found: " << *it << std:...
mojom::DuplexMode DuplexModeFromIpp(std::string_view ipp_duplex) { for (const DuplexMap& entry : kDuplexList) { if (base::EqualsCaseInsensitiveASCII(ipp_duplex, return entry.mode; @@ -104,9 +104,9 @@ std::vector<mojom::ColorModel> SupportedColorModels( const CupsOptionPro...
string_is_greater_or_equal(String*, String*): Checks if the first String is greater than or equal to the second. string_is_not_equal(String*, String*): Checks if two Strings are not equal. string_compare(String*, String*): Compares two Strings. string_compare_ignore_case(String*, Stri...
c)If the next character in the format string is equivalent to the next character in the input stream according to case-insensitive comparison, the function advances both sequences by one character++fmtbeg,++beg;and continues the loop, Otherwise, it sets thefailbitinerr. ...
User-defined character traits may be used to provide case-insensitive comparison: Run this code #include <cctype> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <string_view> struct ci_char_traits : public std::char_traits<char> { static char to_upper(char ch) { return std::toupper((uns...
Compare 2 arrays using linq compare a string to all possible dictionary keys compare two arrays to find out if they contain any element in common. Compare two bitmaps Compare two char arrays Compare two int arrays Compare two List(T) via three or multiple properties using LINQ in C# Compar...
String comparison ==, != <, <=, > >= compare()Compares whether two strings are equal/unequal (returns bool) Compares whether two strings are less than / greater than each other (returns bool) Compares whether two strings are equal/unequal (returns -1, 0, or 1) ...