Stretching and massage applied to the SCM can reduce pain and disability in CNP.Stretching and massage applied to the SCM can increase endurance in CNP.Stretching and massage applied to the SCM can increase some cervical ROM in CNP.These treatments can be an alternative method in individuals ...
Effects on hamstring muscle extensibility, muscle activity, and balance of different stretching techniques. [Purpose] The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of two different stretching techniques on range of motion (ROM), muscle activation, and ... Kyoung-Il,Lim,Hyung-Chun,......
The target muscles were the upper trapezius, SCM, Scalenes, Lavator scapulae, suboccipitalis. The stretching for each muscle was accoplished in pain free range and applied 3 thines per week for 4 weeks. In order to determine the effect of stretching, pressure pain threshold, NDI, and ...
MUSCLE toneThis study examined how change the range of motion(ROM) of the neck and muscle tone of upper trapezius(UT) and Sternocleidomastoid(SCM) through the extracorporeal shock wave therapy(ESWT) and stretching exercise applied to subjects. Total 30 subjects who had f...
Results: A significant reduction in SCM muscle thickness was observed after the intervention (p< 0.05). This morphological change was associated with significant improvements in passive cervical range of motion and head symmetry (p< 0.05). The mean intervention duration was 53.59 卤 25.12 days to ...