The Streets of Rogue reference written and maintained by players, for players. Please feel free to contribute by creating new articles or expanding on existing ones. What Is Streets of Rogue?Streets of Rogue is a rogue-lite about player choice, freedom, and anarchic fun, developed by Matt ...
Streets of Rogue 2is an upcomingreal-timescrollingtop-down viewRPGopen worldsandboximmersive simdeveloped byMatt Dabrowskiand published bytinyBuild. The game is planned to release into Early Access sometime in 2025.[1] General information
(数值来源: 因此,近战能力更多时候看的是输出手法。例如躲转角的墙后面,等NPC靠近后突脸+无脑左键可以做到最少打出2下,而在目标敌对前可以打一下拉仇恨到建筑外面避免误伤。当然,这是在完全理想的情况下,如果出现失误则大概率会损失血量,所以需要迷...
Streets of Rogue close Clear game filter Games chevron_right Back close Close navigation menu Games All games (3,524) Recently added (76) My games Your favourited games will be displayed hereMods chevron_right Back close Close navigation menu Mods All mods New Trending Most endorsed Top...
LIAM: I get second-hand adrenaline from those rogue rolls, man. MATT: That 20 may have saved you all. MARISHA: Yeah, no shit. TRAVIS: Blessing of the Trickster. MATT: Careful as you go, occasionally a few of you begin to stumble or step into some loose rubble, and as it's...
【关于本吧】 欢迎来到地痞街区吧^_^ 本吧是Steam平台上由Matt Dabrowski开发、tinyBuild发行的游戏Streets of Rogue (中文名:地痞街区)的玩家交流平台。 【吧内总则】 1、在本吧的一切行为必须遵守《中华人民共和国宪法》及相关法律法规、百度贴吧协议和本吧吧规。 2、禁止一切与游戏无关的恶意广告帖,比如机器人...
23 -- 21:11 App Streets of Rogue 地痞街区 考试周实况02 89 -- 35:18 App Streets of Rogue 地痞街区 受苦系列 通关失败01 战士 498 -- 18:27 App [地痞街区]当僵尸遇上超警和战争地带? 1787 10 3:18 App 《地痞街区》&《迷城陆区》全现实结局( 497 -- 1:23 App [地痞街区]游玩过程中...
World Streets is today kicking off a series of invited articles by authors from different countries and backgrounds, presenting their views on the topic of “The Uber Generation: Rogue Capitalism or Critical Paradigm Shift”. It is expected that this series will continue over the months ahead. Th...
Also, check out the Wiki Editor of the Month competition!, and while you're at it, go make some edits to the wiki[]!Alpha 32PerformanceLoads and loads of performance tweaksLoad times are slightly fasterGraphicsFix for players clipping through walls and objects ...