Streets of Rogue is a rogue-lite about player choice, freedom, and anarchic fun, developed by Matt Dabrowski. The game takes inspiration from fast-paced top-down rogue-lites like Binding of Isaac and Nuclear Throne, and adds free-form, experimentation-driven, emergent gameplay elements of RPG...
(数值来源: 因此,近战能力更多时候看的是输出手法。例如躲转角的墙后面,等NPC靠近后突脸+无脑左键可以做到最少打出2下,而在目标敌对前可以打一下拉仇恨到建筑外面避免误伤。当然,这是在完全理想的情况下,如果出现失误则大概率会损失血量,所以需要迷...
在Streets of Rogue中随机生成的城市中进行战斗,潜行和黑客攻击,这是一款流氓精简版融入沉浸式模拟游戏并完全疯狂的游戏。
LIAM: I get second-hand adrenaline from those rogue rolls, man. MATT: That 20 may have saved you all. MARISHA: Yeah, no shit. TRAVIS: Blessing of the Trickster. MATT: Careful as you go, occasionally a few of you begin to stumble or step into some loose rubble, and as it's...