Stream of consciousness is a style or technique of writing that tries to capture the natural flow of a character's extended thought process, often by incorporating sensory impressions, incomplete ideas, unusual syntax, and rough grammar. Some additional key details about stream of consciousness: Stre...
Stream of consciousness writing, on the other hand, takes you on a journey through a character’s mind. It allows for a grittiness that you can’t achieve with an ordered internal monologue. While stream of consciousness might read somewhat more surrealist than traditional storytelling, it’s t...
For those of you joining SoCS for the first time, it’s a little different than the other prompts in that it’s not always a whole or single word. If you’re joining in from JusJoJan and don’t want to write stream of consciousness style, no worries. It’s up to you. If you d...
when I managed projects at work, the last task I put on the project plan was always “Bask in the glow of a successful project.” I hadn’t thought about that in 4.5 years since retirement. And since stream of consciousness is today’s theme… I also remember working on something ...
So I have a little ritual that I do in the days leading up to a race to help me re-focus and relax. The first races of the season are at a time when fitness is still building, so I don’t really know exactly where my fitness is at, or how I’ll feel, or what it all means...
This is my first blog post in… [looks at the date on the post below] …literally three-and-a-half years. It’s a stream of consciousness ramble, so I apologize in advance if it seems a bit disjointed. Right now… I’m pretty disjointed myself. ...
consciousness narcissism agnosticism Narcissism Is Widely MisunderstoodAugust 17, 2023 Can you think of a narcissist? Some people might picture Donald Trump, perhaps, or Elon Musk, both of whom are often labeled as such on social media. Or maybe India's prime minister, Narendra Modi, who once ...
How might an AI develop consciousness? It might be the most important question on the modern philosopher’s unanswered list, and it’s certainly the most fascinating. Will Hertling proposed one possible avenue in AVOGADRO CORP: through algorithms developed to improve human communication. In my new...
M. (1985). Intrinsic motivation and the effects of self-consciousness, self-awareness, and ego-involvement: An investigation of internally controlling styles. Journal of Personal- ity, 53(3), 435–449. tb00375.x...
How might an AI develop consciousness? It might be the most important question on the modern philosopher’s unanswered list, and it’s certainly the most fascinating. Will Hertling proposed one possible avenue in AVOGADRO CORP: through algorithms developed to improve human communication. In my new...