The term was first used by the psychologist William James in The Principles of Psychology (1890). As the psychological novel developed in the 20th century, some writers attempted to capture the total flow of their characters’ consciousness, rather than limit themselves to rational thoughts. To ...
It was first used in 1922 by the Irish novelist James Joyce. Those novels broke through thebounds of time and space, and depicted vividly and skillfully the unconscious activity of the mind fast changing and flowing incessantly, particularly the hesitant, misted, distracted and illusory psychology ...
StreamofConsciousness •Narrativetechniqueinnon-dramaticfictionintendedtorendertheflowofmyriadimpressions—visual,auditory,physical,associative,andsubliminal—thatimpingeontheconsciousnessofanindividualandformpartofhisawarenessalongwiththetrendofhisrationalthoughts.ThetermwasfirstusedbythepsychologistWilliamJamesinThe...
【答案】:“Stream-of-Consciousness” or “interior monologue”, is one of the modern literary techniques. It is the style. of writing that attempts to imitate the natural flow of a character's thoughts, feelings, reflections, memories, and mental images as the character experiences ...
The phrase“stream of consciousness”to indicate the flow of inner experience was first used by William James in Principles of Psychology (1890). 意识流是作家和批评家惯用的容易引起误解的术语之一。它之所以会引起误解是因为它听起来很具体而用起来却象"浪漫主义"、"象征主义"和"超现实主义"一样变化无穷...
The phrase “stream of consciousness” to indicate the flow of inner experience was first used by William James in Principles of Psychology (1890). 意识流是作家和批评家惯用的容易引起误解的术语之一。它之所以会引起误解是因为它听起来很具体而用起来却象"浪漫主义"、"象征主义"和"超现实主义"一样变化...
Stream of consciousness In literary criticism, stream of consciousness is a narrative mode or method that attempts "to depict the multitudinous thoughts and feelings which [sic] pass through the mind" of a narrator.[1] Better known, perhaps, is the 1855 usage by Alexander Bain in the first ...
StreamofConsciousness,literarytechnique,firstusedinthelate19thcentury,employedto evincesubjectiveaswellasobjectivereality.Itrevealsthecharacter'sfeelings,thoughts,and actions,oftenfollowinganassociativeratherthanalogicalsequence,withoutcommentaryby theauthor.
Does Stream of Consciousness Have to Be Written in First-Person POV? Because stream of consciousness lets you into the depths of a character’s mind, your story’s POV should be limited to just that character. First-personPOV is the obvious choice. However, you can effectively write stream ...
The metaphor "stream of consciousness" suggests how thoughts seem to flow through the conscious mind. Research studies have shown that humans only experience one mental event at a time as a fast-moving mind-stream.[1][2][3] The term was coined by Alexander Bain in 1855 in the first editi...