This achievement appears in Chapter 4: The slums. You need to find 8 music sheets by exploring the whole map or solving puzzles, and give them to the robot named Morusque to unlock this achievement. As soon as you unlock the achievement, you will be awarded with the Music Badge, which ...
Stray: The Flat Stray: The Slums Stray: Rooftops Stray: The Slums Part 2 Stray: Dead End Stray: The Sewers Stray: Antvillage Stray: Midtown Stray: Jail Stray: Control Room Stray Guide: All Collectibles In this part of our Stray guide, we have pages telling you where to find All Collect...
Walkthrough –>Walkthrough Overview Chapter 1: Inside the Wall Chapter 2: Dead City Chapter 3: The Flat Chapter 4: The Slums Chapter 5: Rooftops Chapter 6: The Slums – Part 2 Chapter 7: Dead End Chapter 8: The Sewers Chapter 9: Antvillage Chapter 10: Midtown Chapter 11: Jail Chapter...
“Josh Wirtanen”透露:游戏章节标题就是找出对应关系最为关键的线索之一,比如:第一章“贫民窟(The Slums)”,其完整的标题其实是“Home:Slums Part One”。我们只要参照一下游戏里的符号,可以轻松地找到对应关系。 知道了上述原理之后,我们自己都能推导...
The Slums Rooftops The Slums- part 2 Dead End The Sewers Antvillage Midtown Jail Control Room Stray Game Controls Now, let’s take a look at the controls that you will be using in the game. First, we have the list of controls for the PS4 and PS5. ...
You’ll get the Music Badge by giving Morusque eight pieces of sheet music in The Slums or The Slums – Part 2.You can find all of the locations in this guide. Outsider Badge You’ll get the Outsider Badge automatically as part of the story, when Seamus opens the gate for you in Ch...
Welcome to IGN's walkthrough for Stray Chapter 4 - The Slums (Part 1). This page features information on navigating the robot community, including how to
Give Grandma the Electric Cable so that you'll get the Poncho Disappointingly, this didn't lead to our cute cat wearing a cute robot-made poncho. Instead, the poncho is added to your inventory, which will be useful later on in Chapter 6 The Slums Part 2 of the game. Keep it handy ...
Stray Chapter 12: What to do in the Control Room How to find the Stray worker jacket and helmet in Midtown All Stray notebooks locations in The Slums How to get the Super Spirit Laundry Detergent in Stray Where to find all Stray memories for B-12 ...
I never could get the run mode (left-alt) to toggle, but I got through to ‘The Slums’. I am doing well actually. I’ll stop here for now as we have another wine event to attend tonight. As Albert Einstein said, "I could have done so much more with a Big Al'...