while some of the memories are well hidden and you need to search carefully. When you unlock this achievement, B-12 will reward you with a shiny backpack.
The Slums Memory3: Robot Food - Before leaving the bar, head upstairs into the lounge area above, and look for a small table near the stairs with a bowl of broth with a few computer parts thrown in. Interact with it to unlock one of B-12’s Memories. ...
The Slums Memory 6: Happy Companion Art - In the small alcove to the left of Morusque the music playing robot, look for a path to climb up to a high ledge where the mural is to unlock one of B-12’s Memories. The Slums Memory 6 Reach Momo’s Home While there is plenty to ...
If you're on the hunt for collectibles, including where to find All B-12 Memories, All Music Sheets, and All Badges, you've come to the right place. Stray: All B-12 Memories Locations Stray: All Music Sheets Locations Stray: All Badges Locations Stray Guide: Checklists, Trophies, and ...
Finding All The Memories Where To Find The First Memory In The Sewers Where To Find The Second Memory In The Sewers Strayhas a fair few collectables scattered throughout its runtime. These tend to be one-and-done things, like Music Sheets, or Flowers. However, there is one collectible tha...
Aside from B12’s memories, all of the collectibles inStrayare essentially for trophies and achievements. Finding all the badges is a fun little sidequest that allows you to interact with various Companions and robots during your journey, helping them out in all manner of ways. However, collecti...
Stray Chapter 12: What to do in the Control Room How to find the Stray worker jacket and helmet in Midtown All Stray notebooks locations in The Slums How to get the Super Spirit Laundry Detergent in Stray Where to find all Stray memories for B-12 ...
The Slums- part 2 Dead End The Sewers Antvillage Midtown Jail Control Room Stray Game Controls Now, let’s take a look at the controls that you will be using in the game. First, we have the list of controls for the PS4 and PS5. ...
Gather all B-12 memories. »Stray Collectible Guide Télé à chat Browse through all of the TV channels. Chapter 4: The Slums As part of the main storyline you will have to climb to the rooftops and talk to Momo (robot with straw hat and green flamingo shirt). On the rooftops below...
It’s assisted in this endeavor by B-12, a tiny drone robot that manages the Cat’s inventory and communications with the robots. They also store the “memories,” or bits of information that explain why the world is in the state it’s in. They even materialize a vest on the Cat’s...