stress coping strategyTaijin-Kyofusho (TKS) is a Japanese culture-bound syndrome similar to social anxiety disorder. Recent studies have shown antidepressants to be effective in treating TKS. The effects on insight or coping strategies have not, however, been studied. The present study investigated ...
Third, in discussion disability children family, mother's own parenting stress to intimate emotion, conflict-coping strategy. 探讨身心障碍儿童家庭中,母亲的亲职压力对亲密情感、冲突因应策略的预测情形。 6. No one could call suicide a "coping strategy, " but it is one way some ...
Background: This study aimed to analyze the changes of psychological stress and coping strategy in caregivers for hemiplegic patients with acute cerebral infarction at the early stage of coronavirus disease pandemic. Methods: Ninety-nine caregivers for hemiplegic patients with acute cerebral infarction ...
分享到: 应激应付策略,又称“应激应对策略”。 分类: 心理学|查看相关文献(pubmed)|免费全文文献 详细解释: 以下为句子列表: 分享到:
摘要: PURPOSE: To examine the prevalence of exercise as a coping behaviour for stress, compare this to other coping behaviours, and examine its demographic, behavioural, and health correlates in a...关键词:physical activity stress coping stress reduction mental health CCHS ...
Rejecting climate change as a problem is, in a way, a coping strategy.───拒绝一个问题,气候变化是,在某种程度上是一个应对策略。 As a coping strategy, he started going to the gym late at night.───作为一项应对策略,他开始深夜到健身房锻炼。 Am I advocating ribbing as a coping strategy...
developing coping mechanisms for stress, such as mindfulness and meditation, can help maintain mental agility. and the importance of a positive mindset and self-belief cannot be underestimated. just like traditional sports, esports is often a mind game, where confidence and a positive attitude can ...
A high sense of commitment by management has been built through the experience of coping with rapid growth and overcoming the severe difficulties of retailing in unfamiliar interna- tional markets. Foreign markets were tackled only after the company had succeeded in its demanding home base. ...
Laura L.AdamsPhD, ...Stephen T.WegenerPhD, ABPP, inEssentials of Pain Medicine (Third Edition), 2011 Coping Coping involves the use of diverse strategies and techniques in an effort to manage a variety of stressors, including pain. Some pain-specific coping strategies are related to poor out...
(2013) Impact of a stress coping strategy on per- ceived stress levels and performance during a simulated car- diopulmonary resuscitation: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Emergency Medicine 13, 1-9.Hunziker S, Simona PS, Fasler K et al (2013) Impact of a stress coping strategy on ...