StrategiesThatWork!TeachingStudentswithAutisminAdaptedPESettings DianeTalarico-Cavanaugh,M.Ed.AutismSpecialistPREPIndependentTEACCHTrainerJuly16,2013APEMiniSymposiumattheHPAIJamesMadisonUniversity TheCultureofAutism SocialRelatednessCommunicationSensoryProcessingDifficultywithChangeCognitiveLearningStyle...
Juliet Hart BarnettStanley ZuckerCori M More
Self-Regulation Strategies for Students with Autism Spectrum DisorderHistorically the ability to self-regulate behavior has been prized (Harris et al. in Learning about learning disabilities, San Diego, Elsevier, 2004). In today's schools this ability may be a critical determinant of success in ...
In recognizing and identifying the potential effects of the sensory experiences of students with ASD, physical education teachers can provide sensory balancing strategies to improve students' emotional, social, cognitive, and physical growth in the physical education classroom....
J. (2003). Strategies for teaching students with autism in physical education. The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance, 74(6), 40-44.Housten-Wilson, C. & Lieberman, L. J. (2003). Strategies for teaching students with autism in physical education. The Journal of Physical ...
Due to their socialization and communication difculties, young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) face many challenges in traditional school environments. Intelli- gent tutoring systems (ITS) are a promising technology for supplementing instruction for children with ASD. However, previous work ...
Physical education for students with disabilities is a direct service requirement of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. This article uses an example of one student with autism to describe the special education process as it applies to physical education. The article includes sample learning...
Invite students to use a rocking chair or bean bag for independent work time or reading time Use an electric toothbrush with with children seeking additional stimuli, and a very sensitive bristle toothbrush for children who over-experience stimuli Use of a weighted blanket or weighted...
"While the very structure of high school poses challenges for students with autism, being able to anticipate and understand activities, schedules, and expectations can improve their ability to respond to classroom demands," she said. "Establishing routines and creating written schedules also helps." ...
This post will be great for anyone looking for Autism teaching strategies and ideas for including students with autism in their classroom.