Self-regulation is linked to the ability to learn successfully, adapt to change, and project one’s future behavior. This study aims to evaluate the impact of metacognitive strategies on self-regulation skills in the creation of educational content. Nine
Sports participation versus consumer expenditure on sport: different determinants and strategies in sports management. European Sport Management Quarterly 2005 06;5(2):167-186.Lera-López F, Rapún-Gárate M (2005) Sports participation versus consumer expenditure on sport: different determinants and ...
As such, gamblers may improve their techniques, and the ability to place the right bets at the right time is enhanced. You can bet on softer teams on their way up or make an informed decision on the more active betting odds available during the match. ...
Lessons from the pandemic era: do we need new strategies to improve conservative treatment adherence in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis? A retrospective an... Lessons from the pandemic era: do we need new strategies to improve conservative treatment adherence in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis? A ...
Want to improve your sports betting skills? Our ultimate guide has all the tips and strategies you need to dominate the world of sports betting
This study explores the relevance, and applicability, of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in relation to Norwegian sport organizations’ susta
Daily challenges and quests:Introduce tasks to complete non-betting activities, such as virtual sports simulations or engaging with sports content, to encourage users to return regularly. Reward users with points, badges, or other non-monetary incentives for consistent participation. ...
Body image is a critical factor identified to influence sport participation for adolescent girl athletes. Strategies to mitigate the impact of body image in sport are needed. The purpose of this qualitative study was to identify feasible and realistic strategies to mitigate and address body image ...
This paper has a limited perspective, focusing on the ECEC setting in the Nutrition Now study and the evaluation of some of the applied implementation strategies aimed to improve ECEC staff’s feeding practices and dietary behaviors for children aged 0–2 years. The ECEC part of the Nutrition...
Coping style represents the cognitive and behavioral patterns to manage particular demands appraised as taxing the resources of individuals. Studies report associations between certain coping styles and levels of adjustment of anxious symptomatology and