Zwolinsky S, McKenna J, Pringle A. How can the health system benefit from increasing participation in sport, exercise and physical activity? In: Conrad D, White A, editors. Sports-based health interventions: case studies from around the world. London: Springer; 2016. p. 29-52....
Constantly providing feedback to on-line learning teams is a challenging yet one of the latest and most attractive issues to influence learning experience in a positive manner. The possibility to enhance learning group's participation by... S Caballé,C Paniagua,F Xhafa,... - DBLP 被引量: ...
In October 2005, the Ontario Government launched the Ontario Trails Strategy, a long-term plan that established directions for planning, managing, promoting and using trails in Ontario, and that directly supported ACTIVE 2010, an initiative to increase physical activity and participation in sport by ...
Sports participation is restricted by people's ideology,social and economic status,and all these factors are related tightly with people's social class.During reform and open period in China,the social structure has greatly changed.How to develop a strategy to increase effectively sport population ac...
Correlates of participation in physical activity for adolescent girls: a systematic review of recent literature. J Phys Act Health. 2005;2(4):423–34. Article Google Scholar Babic MJ, Morgan PJ, Plotnikoff RC, et al. Physical activity and physical...
R. (2014). Increasing girls' physical activity during an organised youth sport basketball program : a randomised controlled trial protocol. Bmc Public Health, 14(1). Download PDF Abstract Background: Participation in organised youth sports (OYS) has...
Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on youth sport in Australia and consequences for future participation and retention Background COVID-19 continues to represent the single biggest challenge to contemporary community sport globally. Compliance with social distancing policie... S Elliott,MJ Drummond,I...
When participation in class constitutes part of the active construction of knowledge, rather than just content acquisition, students can feel motivation to attend class (Cilesiz, 2015). 5.4. Listing Class Objectives Learning objectives are designed to provide expectations for students and prepare ...
The thesis is part of Sataesteetön –project organised by Satakunta University of Applied Sciences aiming to increase accessibility awareness and equal participation in the region through seminars, courses and cooperation.The research methods used in this thesis were interview and observation. The ...
Karen Winkfield, MD, PhD, addresses the importance of inclusive clinical trial participation and meeting patients where they are. February 12th 2025 Telemedicine’s Evolution and Expanding Access to Obesity, Specialty Care Maggie L. Shaw George Jones George Jones of UpScript Health discusses telemedicin...