Time-outs can be an effective way to help children calm down and reflect on their behavior. Designate a quiet, safe spot where the child can spend a few minutes to regain control of their emotions. Ensure the duration is appropriate for the child's age – generally, one minute per year ...
Encourage children to take a break or “time in” whenever they feel down, annoyed or angry. Stepping away from an upsetting situation can help a child calm down. •Teach and provide attention Paying attention is a skill that can be taught. Encourage children to resist inte...
Peaceful parenting is an approach that uses kind, firm limits centered on empathy.Our children need to know that we’re in charge, but we’re here to give them the support they need to meet our expectations. If you find yourself counting down the minutes until bedtime or naptime, peaceful...
Despite the size difference, children are more like adults than we may think. And just as our feathers get ruffled when someone “demands” or “commands” us to do something, children also get bent out of shape when we bark orders and constantly tell them what to do and how to do it....
1. Stay Calm and Composed The first step in dealing with child tantrums is to remain calm. Children often mirror the emotions of their parents. If you react with anger or frustration, it can escalate the situation. Maintain a composed demeanor and speak in a soft, steady voice. This approa...
Deep Breathing Activities to Calm Sensory Meltdowns and Ground Emotions February 20, 2025 Deep Breathing Activities to Calm Sensory Meltdowns and Ground Emotions This article provides helpful deep breathing activities for children that struggle with sensory defensiveness, sensory meltdowns, anxiety, pani...
Children exposed to domestic violence are at risk of adverse short- and long-term psychosocial effects and of being abused themselves. However, mothers and
If a child has already experienced some trauma, there areadditional techniques to try. The top priority is ensuring safety and reassuring the child that they are safe. Children also benefit from calm adults who try to maintain a normal routine as much as possible. It may be tempting to try...
As the founder of Miami PsychCenter, Martha has worked collaboratively with parents, teachers, counselors, and community leaders to ensure that struggling youth have the greatest possible chance for a successful life. She believes that all children have the ability to move from surviving to thriving...
3.Parents modeling calm: As challenging as it may be, children (and teens) look to their parents to gauge how to respond in potentially frightening and new situations. This does not mean that parents should hide their emotions from their children. Rather, sharing that they may be ...