【怪奇物语】【mike&eleven|高甜】怪奇物语第三季迈克和小11小甜饼合集 5.8万 104 4:08 【怪奇物语】小演员试镜珍贵影像!11演技大爆发! 1306 1 3:53 怪奇物语-小11 & Mike 少儿组谈恋爱吊打中老年组系列 3.6万 20 16:52 【合集】Millie bobby brown和Finn Wolfhard互动(糖)(不定期更新) 3776 3 ...
In-universe this matter isn't entirely clear, but in the real world, this reads as a conscious decision to help differentiateStranger Things 3from the previous two seasons. In the other outings, the finales came down to Eleven using her powers to ultimately save the day, so the show would...
小11(eleven)名字缩写“elf”在英语、德语、荷兰语等中都是精灵的意思。这就像这个角色本身,可以在两种世界中穿梭。 小11使用超能力时,总会流鼻血,这是致敬《凶火》(Firestarter ,1984)里查理的父亲和《异形》(Alien,1979)里的蕾普莉。 7.小11在第一季全季只有42句台词,大部分时间都要要表情和肢体表演。
Plus, Eleven was supposed to have a brother, the “Ghostbusters” costumes almost didn’t happen, and more behind-the-scenes trivia.
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Over 10K TV viewers have voted on the 20+ characters on Best Characters on 'Stranger Things,' Ranked. Current Top 3: Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Jim ...
Stranger Things fans may have a while to wait until season three hits screens, but in meantime there's some exciting news for devotees of the Netflix series. Netflix has partnered with publisher Penguin Random House for a series of books based on the sci-fi hit, with the first two ...
While we still have a long way until Stranger Things season 3 comes out, the Duffer Brothers just shared that it was originally supposed to be very different than what we're expecting to see. In the new book, Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside Down, they reveal that Eleven was actually...
Immediately after her birth, she was abducted by Brenner; the incident was covered up as a miscarriage, meaning there were no birth certificates or medical records of Eleven's existence. While Terry knew she had seen her daughter alive upon giving birth, Terry's sister believed Jane never ...
Jane Hopper (born Jane Ives), also known as Eleven or El, is a main character in Stranger Things. She is portrayed by Millie Bobby Brown. Jane Ives was born with special psychokinetic abilities; Jane's mother, Terry, was experimented upon in the controversial government program known as "...