2927 6 01:11 App 怪奇物语 'Stranger Things' Cast Talk SAG Ensemble Win 1316 6 06:51 App 【BBC Radio采访】怪奇物语小11 Millie Bobby Brown和Noah Schnapp 一起听鬼故事 1415 2 03:24 App 小11 Eleven + Mike 《Skinny Love》 怪奇物语 7788 14 02:29 App 【Mileven拍图】甜蜜瞬间!怪奇物...
stranger things YOTU MillieBobbyBrown发消息 微博:@MillieBobbyBrown_News 等等,海涛?Tim?Boy?你们是怎么认识的! 接下来播放自动连播 【InStyle拍摄花絮】回答关于自己的11个问题,怪奇物语小11 Millie Bobby Brown Eleven Questions MillieBobbyBrown 30890
A new promo video for season 2 of Netflix’sStranger Thingsteases a message from Eleven and the experiments she went through at Hawkins National Laboratory. The Duffer brothers’ hit sci-fi series is coming back for a second season later this month, just in time for Halloween, and is set...
Shhhhh @dkharbour don’t say a word! #s02 #strangerthings @netflix @strangerthingstv Millie Bobby Brown(@milliebobby_brown)張貼的相片 於2016 年 10月 月 24 12:42下午 PDT張貼
strangerthings吧 关注:8,480贴子:29,864 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 玩乐 10回复贴,共1页 <返回strangerth...吧刚看完第二季第一集,最后Eleven出来我太开心了,el果然 只看楼主收藏回复 想的美啊 大白鲨 6 刚看完第二季第一集,最后Eleven出来我太开心了,el果然是霍金斯的女儿。 送TA礼物 来自Android...
Jane Hopper (born Jane Ives), also known as Eleven or El, is a main character in Stranger Things. She is portrayed by Millie Bobby Brown. Jane Ives was born with special psychokinetic abilities; Jane's mother, Terry, was experimented upon in the controve
Te vas quedar del revés con la escena más esperada de la segunda temporada de Stranger Things, en la que vemos como Eleven escapa de Upside Down y vuelve al mundo real.
Stranger Things 2 released today, and around the world the bingeing has begun. Whether you're on episode 1 or 9, the show's brilliant young actors prove their mettle once again – none more so than Millie Bobby Brown in her second turn as Eleven. SEE ALSO: Netflix is making a 'Strang...
Eleven was created by The Duffer Brothers where she was portrayed by actress Millie Bobby Brown with her featuring in the Stranger Things universe. AppearancesStranger Things: External LinksStranger Things Wiki Entry Wikipedia Entry This article is a stub. You can help Multiversal Omnipedia by ...
"Stranger Things" writers share storylines that "almost happened" in the Netflix series--which included Eleven almost killing this character in season 2! Watch!