As soon as the godfather finished saying those ominous words, the suck-up placed his right-hand on the marble table. As soon as the suck-up did so, the godfather chopped off the hand at the wrist. The suck-up then said, “that’s the cleanest cut that I have ever seen, and my ...
Love doesn't break out the bondage toys right away, it doesn't clap them on your wrist without permission, and it always lets you keep the key. "You know what I think? I think you have doubts, and they make you feel like you're trapped. But doubts are part of the deal. There'...
Take a bump from the sadist punk Tired of chasing drugs so drew an x through my wrist to mark the place to cut They found Meth as good as dead on the curb Shot up the wrong vein addictions really getting on my nerves King Gordy (chorus) ...