On that day, I checked into the hospital fairly convinced that you were going to be a boy. Your dad and I decided to wait to find out, but I thought I knew. My second pregnancy felt so similar to my first that I thought the gender had to be the same. On top of that, I though...
The treatment for nose piercing bumps depends on the nature of the bumps and the severity with which they might be associated. It can be treated at home with a pinch of sea salt added to lukewarm water, the application of tea tree oil along with olive oil on the bump. However, me...
Bump fists like you normally would, but twist your wrist in 90 degrees upward after you touch fists to perform the pocket bump. This looks cool and can be something special that you share with a specific friend.[2] 2 Hit your hips together after the fist bump. If you have a really ...