The straight-arm pushdown, sometimes called a stiff-arm pushdown or pulldown, is one the most effective movements to work just the lats because it is an isolation (single-joint) exercise. This allows you to really focus on the target body part with minimal assistance from other muscles. Addi...
The meaning of STRAIGHT-ARM is an act or instance of warding off a person or thing by pushing with the palm of the hand with the arm fully extended from the shoulder and the elbow locked —called also stiff-arm.
we could look down upon a misty carpet of green treetops and down to the lowlands. We were so high that it seemed like the blue of the sky was the atmosphere just on the other side of the Hobbitland “Doorway”.
I value this stuff much more; the neural connections are invaluable as you age. Poor neural connections to joints/muscles are the cause for so much ‘movement dysfunction’ – and it’s so often simply down to people not using these areas. ...