强推一本数据分析大佬的作品,书名是《Storytelling with Data》,刷完这本绝对会让你对Data有了更全新的认识! 作者做过Banking、做过PE、也在谷歌的people analytic team做过很多年的数据分析师,对数据处理、商业金融等都有自己的见解。 这是本的作者有在特地照顾入门小白!书中词汇简单,内容编写地比较简洁,各种表格...
相信《storytelling with data》这本书可以给大家带来一定的启发。 作者围绕如何用数据讲故事的主线,结合大量实际案例,为读者详细讲解了许多实践技巧和方法。下面是笔者读完之后对各个章节内容的一些简要总结,供大家参考。 第一章的主题是“上下文的重要性”,其实就是告诉我们在汇报之前要搞清楚我们的目的是什么?我们的...
• What data is available that would strengthen our case? Is our audi- ence familiar with this data, or is it new? • Where are the risks: what factors could weaken our case and do we need to proactively address them? • What would a successful outcome look like? • If you on...
data-drived communication的目的是传达信息,而信息和信息的传达,都是要在一定的context下。 data visualization有两个层级的目的 1)以清晰和简明的方式,present数据中包含的information,传达的message,以及支持的point。2) 协助decision-maker采取行动。 context的组成 1. Who: 需要和谁交流 2. What: 需要交流什么mes...
Storytelling with Data teaches you the fundamentals of data visualization and how to communicate effectively with data. You'll discover the power of storytelling and the way to make data a pivotal point in your story. The lessons in this illuminative text are grounded in theory, but made accessi...
theguardian.com/data 3、消除杂乱 用中国话说就是大道至简。所以要注意对齐、留白、避免居中对齐的文字、坐标轴整理干净。对于负值的数字,搞清楚图表的重点是相对差异还是绝对数值。 4、集中注意 其实还是大道至简的延生。少使用颜色及统一颜色、需要重点突出的把它放大。有一个好的检验办法: ...
“Storytelling with Data" is written by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic. The book is a detailed explanation of how to collect, organize, and analyze data effectively and telling us that data processing is not simply listing and calculating, but requires clear logic and accurate methods. Through reasonable...
Nothing can help tell a story like good data: It can lend credibility and impact to any argument or succinctly summarize an issue like practically nothing else can. But storytelling with data is a subtle art. Learn how to turn survey data into compelling
讲故事 最近开始读Storytelling with data-一本教你怎么用数据来讲故事的书。书里教你用什么样的数据,什么样的表现形式,把你想要讲的故事讲给什么样的人听。听完不算完,要让听的人按照自己想要的意图采取行动...
Based on storytelling with you learn to plan, create & build stellar presentations where are your eyes drawn? See how this simple test can help determine the effectiveness of a graph or slide. book peek with cole Build your data viz library by taking a ...