强推一本数据分析大佬的作品,书名是《Storytelling with Data》,刷完这本绝对会让你对Data有了更全新的认识! 作者做过Banking、做过PE、也在谷歌的people analytic team做过很多年的数据分析师,对数据处理、商业金融等都有自己的见解。 这是本的作者有在特地照顾入门小白!书中词汇简单,内容编写地比较简洁,各种表格...
相信《storytelling with data》这本书可以给大家带来一定的启发。 作者围绕如何用数据讲故事的主线,结合大量实际案例,为读者详细讲解了许多实践技巧和方法。下面是笔者读完之后对各个章节内容的一些简要总结,供大家参考。 第一章的主题是“上下文的重要性”,其实就是告诉我们在汇报之前要搞清楚我们的目的是什么?我们的...
Storytelling with Data 作者:Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic 出版社:Wiley 副标题:A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals 出版年:2015-11-2 页数:288 定价:USD 39.95 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9781119002253 豆瓣评分 8.7 399人评价 5星 46.6% 4星
Storytelling With Data: The Definition Storytelling with data (in our case, survey data) is essentially a descriptive data analysis that presents information in visual form. It empowers all the company departments to absorb the crucial information and take swift action. Data storytelling seeks to li...
“Storytelling with Data" is written by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic. The book is a detailed explanation of how to collect, organize, and analyze data effectively and telling us that data processing is not simply listing and calculating, but requires clear logic and accurate methods. Through reasonable...
Storytelling With Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionalsdoi:10.1002/9781119055259Knaflic, Cole NussbaumerKnaflic, C. N. (2015). Storytelling with data: A data visualization guide for business professionals. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons....
Data storytelling means using stories to make sense of numbers. In this post, we share practical tips on how businesses can best communicate with data.
Is our audi- ence familiar with this data, or is it new? • Where are the risks: what factors could weaken our case and do we need to proactively address them? • What would a successful outcome look like? • If you only had a limited amount of time or a single sentence to ...
Learn to build great graphs and become an adept data storyteller with our expansive video library. We share data visualization makeovers, tips for making better presentations, Excel and PowerPoint tutorials, plus more.
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