On International Women’s Day, the second graders even interviewed Mrs. Sobo, our principal and Madame Feng, the head of our school. Mrs. Sobo gave the great advice to remember that “life is like the ocean. We just need ...
33. It’s your first day of school. Give an account of what you will be doing on your first day of school, and how that day might feel for someone who is new like yourself. Could it feel different for them than it does for you? Tell why or why not It’s your first day of sc...
New tool demystifies coding for students as Hawaii legislators push computer science to younger grades First graders at Solomon Elementary School squealed and cheered as they skipped past and then stomped on bright blue floor tiles that lit up, changed color and made sounds.“ When do I get ...
THE PERFECT MINI WRITERS' CONFERENCE EXPERIENCE FOR 4TH-6TH GRADERS. LEARN MORE Presenter List ADD-ON EXPERIENCES MASTERCLASSES Calling all creators! If you want to take a deeper dive into the craft of writing, these masterclasses are for you and can be added on to any General, Teen, or ...
Why? and How? By understanding each of these components, students are better able to analyze and appreciate the author’s work. You’ll find our story elements worksheets listed below. Click on the title to view, download, or print the PDF. You may use them for free at home or in clas...
This time of the year is always hard for me. It’s close to the anniversary of my last suicide attempt and while a lot has changed, there’s always some things that stay the same. Today marks the end of year three of my 365 days of academia and today we’re talking about suicide ...
Elapsed Time 4th Grade Worksheet: From AM to PM:A worksheet for more advanced calculations, such as those that span from AM to PM, to challenge 4th grade students. Time Elapsed Worksheet: DIY Clock Creation:A crafty worksheet where kids create their own clock to learn about time. Includes ...
Teammate Mike Sweeney hosts camp for San Diego 6th graders. Teammate Whitworth Named NFL Man of the Year before Winning Super Bowl LVI 2022-02-15 [31] + The big man with the big heart named the 2021 Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year. ...
50 Creative Writing Prompts for 4th GradersRead More Top 31 3rd Grade Science Projects When it comes to teaching science in the classroom, the best bet is usually hands-on learning. Science experiments are often thought of as challenging or difficult, but they can also be a lot of fun. ...
Community SchoolsCurriculum DevelopmentThis paper explores one school's implementation of a locally developed curriculum reform known as 'Math‐Science Investigations'. At one level, it offers an account of a reform told from the perspective of a classroom teacher and her 3rd‐ and 4th‐graders. ...