Specifically, some of the objectives for this year’s reading instruction include: Paying close attention to the key features of what is read, and being able to share details afterward Comparing ideas, characters, events, and settings in stories ...
Reading gaps widen in mid-year data, especially for K-1 students of color Compared to last year, the percentage of students on-track decreased from 55% to 37% for kindergartners, and from 58% to 43% for 1st-graders, according to data in a new report. ...
I use Scribblar to conduct online lessons to students from 3rd graders to high school students, be it problem solving, SAT/SSAT preps or reading/writing group lessons. The site is very user-friendly so even the younger kids have no problems actively participating in the online live ...
Heller, M. (2006). Telling stories and talking facts: First graders' engagements in a nonfiction book club. The Reading Teacher, 60(4), 358-369. doi: 10.1598/RT.60.4.5Heller, H. (2007). Telling stories and talking facts: First graders' engagement in a nonfiction book club. Reading ...
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Alabama 2nd-graders join classmate on adoption day: 'A very special time' "It's like Ezra completely let his walls down and has taken his dad in wholeheartedly," Arana told Storyful. "Raul came into my life and has been nothing but a blessing for our whole family." Related Topics G...
Here are 10 best short stories found online – perfect for middle school: 1. The Scholarship Jacket Nearing graduation, an eighth-grade Hispanic student in a small Texas school is denied the scholarship jacket she has earned with top grades. This story addresses the topics of prejudice and unfa...
While you tuck your children in at night, reading bedtime stories, taking for granted the fragility of life. We pick out the final suit and final resting place for our children whose only crime is being black. What story will we read at his grave this evening, after he’s placed in ...
Stories Enjoy Going Batty Juke Box Sing and groove to the catchy tune of "Going Batty" in this interactive jukebox game. Pre-K K 1 VIEW DETAILS Stories Dive into Busy Body Sleep Solution Juke Box Listen to calming tunes and relax your body for a peaceful sleep in this interactive ...