In SQL, a stored procedure is a set of statement(s) that perform some defined actions. In this tutorial, you will learn about stored procedures in SQL with the help of examples.
In the following example, there is a stored procedure namedDoSalaryIncreasewith the following parameters: Employee ID - parm1 - In Merit Increase (%) - parm2 - Out Salary - parm3 - In / Out Effective Date - parm4 - Out Using theDBLOOKUPfunction, an example of the syntax used to call...
This section contains examples of stored procedure definitions.
In the simplest sense, this procedure takes a dynamically constructed SQL batch and other parameters, then execute it in the runtime and, finally, it returns the result. Note: In this article’s examples, the sample AdventureWorks database will be used. sp_executesql syntax The following ...
Stored procedures can perform many tasks. Although a stored procedure must be associated with a database, it need not in fact query, access, or modify the database. The following are some examples of possible uses of stored procedures. This list is not by any means complete. The ability to...
A stored procedure is a set of structured queries and statements such as control statements and declarations. Here are ten examples of stored procedures that can be useful in different situations. 1. Inserting data using a procedure procedure_demo=#CREATEORREPLACEPROCEDUREgenre_insert_data("GenreId...
To create a stored procedure, use theCREATE PROCEDUREcommand. To run a procedure, use theCALLcommand. Examples follow later in this section. Some clients might display the following error when creating an Amazon Redshift stored procedure.
This example uses theActiveConnection,CommandText,CommandTimeout,CommandType,Size, andDirectionproperties to execute a stored procedure. Example Copy // BeginActiveConnectionCpp.cpp // compile with: /EHsc #import "msado15.dll" no_namespace rename("EOF", "EndOfFile") #define TESTHR(x) if FAILED...
Examples of return codes The following example shows theusp_GetSalesYTDprocedure with error handling that sets special return code values for various errors. The following table shows the integer value that is assigned by the procedure to each possible error, and the corresponding meaning for each ...
Each parameter is separated by a comma if the stored procedure more than one parameter. Let’s practice with following examples to understand more. The first example is a stored procedure to get all offices in a country. Here is the SQL source code: ...