In SQL, a stored procedure is a set of statement(s) that perform some defined actions. In this tutorial, you will learn about stored procedures in SQL with the help of examples.
procedure_demo$#DECLAREprocedure_demo$#BEGINprocedure_demo$#CREATETABLEtest1 (idint);procedure_demo$#INSERTINTOtest1VALUES(1);procedure_demo$#COMMIT;procedure_demo$#CREATETABLEtest2 (idint);procedure_demo$#INSERTINTOtest2VALUES(1);procedure_demo$#ROLLBACK;procedure_demo$#END$$;CREATEPROCEDUREprocedure...
| SUBSTR(SQLSTATE,1,2) = .01.); EXEC SQL FETCH C1 INTO :EMP, :PRJ, :ACT, :TIM; //检索CURSOR的查询内容 END; EXEC SQL CLOSE C1; 在Store Procedure中使用SQL的一个难题就是如何把传入的变量反映到SQL语句中,这里就必须用到动态SQL。 例如: CREATE PROCEDURE QGPL/TEST(IN file char(10),IN...
When an application that runs on a workstation calls a stored procedure on a Db2 server, the stored procedure updates a table based on the information that it receives from the application.
Creating a Stored Procedure In this section, you’ll learn how to create a basic stored procedure in SQL and discover some best practices for using it. Getting Started For this tutorial, you’ll use the AdventureWorks database. AdventureWorks is a sample database for Microsoft SQL Server that...
存储过程(Stored Procedure)是一组为了完成特定功能的SQL语句集,经编译后存储在数据库中,用户通过指定存储过程的名字并给定参数(如果该存储过程带有参数)来调用执行它。外部程序可以直接调用数据库里面定义好的存储过程,另外数据库内部的触发器(trigger)、或者其他存储过程也可以调用它。
1. Creating a hello world in a stored procedure in SQL vs a function Let’s create a simple “Hello world” in a stored procedure and a function to verify which one is easier to create. We will first create a simple stored procedure using the print statement in SSMS: ...
StoredProcedure:生成 SQLServer 存储过程对象和(可选)包含用于创建存储过程的查询的 .sql 文件。 StoredProcedure$registrationVec 包含表示创建存储过程所需的查询的字符串 用法 复制 StoredProcedure (func, spName, ..., filePath = NULL ,dbName = NULL, connectionString = NULL, batchSeparator = "GO") ...
Learn how a stored procedure in SQL Server is a group of one or more Transact-SQL statements or a reference to a .NET Framework common runtime language method.
Performance:The SQL Server stored procedure when executed for the first time creates a plan and stores it in the buffer pool so that the plan can be reused when it executes next time. I am creating sample tables that will be used in the examples in this article. ...