mysql>DELIMITER//mysql>CREATEPROCEDUREproc1--name存储过程名->(INparameter1INTEGER)->BEGIN->DECLAREvariable1CHAR(10);->IFparameter1=17THEN->SETvariable1='birds';->ELSE->SETvariable1='beasts';->ENDIF;->INSERTINTOtable1VALUES(variable1);->END->//mysql>DELIMITER ; 三.MySQL存储过程的调用 用ca...
因此,需要临时换一下分隔符delimiter,以使得 procedure 作为一条statement。 变量(Variable) 有三种变量: Stored Procedure的局部变量:作用域在代码块内(begin和end之间),用declare定义。 Session级别的session变量 (session variable) 即是 用户自定义变量(User-Defined Variables):作用域在当前连接的session;变量名以@...
Select语句是即时执行的,每次执行都会编译和执行查询语句。Stored Procedure是预先编译的,可以在数据库中存储并多次调用,减少了重复编译的开销。 Stored Procedure可以提高数据库性能和安全性,因为它们可以减少网络通信和SQL注入的风险。另外,Stored Procedure还可以减少客户端代码的复杂性,提高代码的可维护性。 总的来说,S...
StoredProcedure:生成 SQLServer 存储过程对象和(可选)包含用于创建存储过程的查询的 .sql 文件。 StoredProcedure$registrationVec 包含表示创建存储过程所需的查询的字符串 用法 复制 StoredProcedure (func, spName, ..., filePath = NULL ,dbName = NULL, connectionString = NULL, batchSeparator = "GO") ...
ERROR 1327 (42000): Undeclared variable: x_bonusfp CREATE PROCEDURE sample(IN x_dbname VARCHAR(10)) BEGIN DECLARE x_bonusfp DECIMAL(11,1) DEFAULT 0.0; SET @sql_text = CONCAT('SELECT TOTAL INTO x_bonusfp FROM ', x_dbname, '.RESULT'); PREPARE stmt FROM @sql_text; EXECU...
Procedure_name HumanResources.uspGetEmployees @Param1 @LastName @Datatype_For_Param1 nvarchar(50) Default_Value_For_Param1 NULL @Param2 @FirstName @Datatype_For_Param2 nvarchar(50) Default_Value_For_Param2 NULL ClickOK. In the query editor, replace the SELECT statement with the following st...
在ODBC 中,sp_stored_procedures与SQLProcedures等效。返回的结果按PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER、PROCEDURE_OWNER和PROCEDURE_NAME排序。 权限 需要对架构的 SELECT 权限。 示例 A. 返回当前数据库中的所有存储过程 以下示例返回 AdventureWorks 数据库中的所有存储过程。
(42000): Incorrect number of arguments for PROCEDURE test.myproc; expected 3, got 1Suggested fix:Allow variable number of arguments and default values. It can allow a much more concise code. The alternative is to use a different function for each argument set, that sounds ridiculous. My ...
In our automated procedure's definition, this parameter is optional, and defaults to a value of 0, meaning we would not actually execute the code. Figure 5 Set Some Values Copy SET @sProcText = @sProcText + 'IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = ''prApp_' + @sTableName...
I'm trying to create a simple stored procedure as a test right now, and I cannot seem to get this stored procedure to work. The code looks as follows: DELIMITER // DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `select_hello` // CREATE PROCEDURE `select_hello`() BEGIN SELECT "Hello, World!"; END //...