I’ve been asked several times lately from non-SQL developers that are sometimes required to do some quick SQL work how to use the result set of a query as a variable in a stored procedure. My first thought was I’ll just send them a link to a website that can explain how to do ...
I need to send the result of a procedure to an update statement. Basically updating the column of one table with the result of a query in a stored procedure. It only returns one value, if it didnt I could see why it would not work, but it only returns a
AND StateRate = (SELECT DISTINCT MIN(StateRate) FROM warates WHERE Zip5=@Zip) AND @TodayInt BETWEEN StartDate AND ExpDate'); For some reason I was stuck on the 'SELECT INTO' syntax which expects a variable (not a table) that the column data would be placed into as an output par...
Get resultset from oracle stored procedure 方法1: In SQL Plus: SQL>createprocedure myproc (prcoutsys_refcursor)2is3begin4openprc forselect*fromemp;5end;6/Procedurecreated.SQL>var rc refcursorSQL>executemyproc(:rc) PL/SQLproceduresuccessfully completed.SQL>print rc 方法二:DECLAREP_CAE_SEC_ID_...
SetVariableActivity.withName(String name) Parameters: name withOnInactiveMarkAs public SetVariableActivity withOnInactiveMarkAs(ActivityOnInactiveMarkAs onInactiveMarkAs) Set the onInactiveMarkAs property: Status result of the activity when the state is set to Inactive. This is an optional property...
Create stored procedure on linked server CREATE TABLE - BIT DataType and Default Value Create table from stored procedure Create table help Create Table with current date as part of the table name Create Table with variable name Create temp table and insert records in a while loop Create trigger...
-- Procedure that returns a single result set (cursor) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION show_cities() RETURNS refcursor AS $$ DECLARE ref refcursor; -- Declare a cursor variable BEGIN OPEN ref FOR SELECT city, state FROM cities; -- Open a cursor RETURN ref; -- Return the cursor to the caller...
Use the Set Variable activity to set the value of an existing variable of type String, Bool, or Array defined in a pipeline in Data Factory for Microsoft Fabric or use the Set Variable activity to set a pipeline return value. Pipeline variables can be used to keep track of any result or...
("---");// Show how to set a property by using the TaskHost properties.Variable myVar = pkg.Variables.Add("myVar",false,"User",100); th.Properties["SqlStatementSourceType"].SetValue(th, SqlStatementSourceType.Variable); th.Properties["SqlStatementSource"].SetValue(th,"myVar");...
The change is fairly easy actually. I assume that your variable @CLM is what contains your delimited list? This query will return the same thing but it is not vulnerable to injection and it doesn't need dynamic sql either. It does however use the DelimitedSplit8K f...