Stored Procedure的局部变量:作用域在代码块内(begin和end之间),用declare定义。 Session级别的session变量 (session variable) 即是 用户自定义变量(User-Defined Variables):作用域在当前连接的session;变量名以@开始。 系统变量 (Server System Variables):全局或会话级。 注意:一般情况我们在存储过程中都应该使用局部...
Stored Procedure的局部变量:作用域在代码块内(begin和end之间),用declare定义。 Session级别的session变量 (session variable) 即是 用户自定义变量(User-Defined Variables):作用域在当前连接的session;变量名以@开始。 系统变量 (Server System Variables):全局或会话级。 注意:一般情况我们在存储过程中都应该使用局部...
Bug #5967 Stored procedure declared variable used instead of column Submitted: 7 Oct 2004 22:31Modified: 4 Nov 2007 21:02 Reporter: Peter Gulutzan Email Updates: Status: Verified Impact on me: None Category: MySQL Server: ParserSeverity: S1 (Critical) Version: 5.0.2-alpha-debugOS: Linux...
Let’s see an example for variable declaration and display: postgres=# CREATE PROCEDURE example2 () AS $$ postgres$# DECLARE postgres$# var1_int INTEGER := 10; postgres$# var2_text TEXT := 'this is text type variable'; postgres$# var3_date DATE := now(); postgres$# BEGIN postgres...
存储过程(Stored Procedure)是一组为了完成特定功能的SQL语句集,经编译后存储在数据库中,用户通过指定存储过程的名字并给定参数(如果该存储过程带有参数)来调用执行它。外部程序可以直接调用数据库里面定义好的存储过程,另外数据库内部的触发器(trigger)、或者其他存储过程也可以调用它。
CREATEPROCEDUREprocedure_name()BEGIN-- 声明变量DECLAREvariable_name datatype;-- 设置变量的值SETvariable_name=value;-- 查询数据SELECTcolumn_nameFROMtable_nameWHEREcondition;-- 更新数据UPDATEtable_nameSETcolumn_name=valueWHEREcondition;-- 插入数据INSERTINTOtable_name(column1,column2)VALUES(value1,value2...
SQL statement set. The following definition for a stored procedure process: create procedure proc_name (in parameter integer) begindeclare variable varchar (20); if parameter = 1 thenset variable = 'MySQL'; elseset variable = 'PHP'; end if; insert into tb (name ) values (variable); end...
SETsyntax for variable assignment enables you to assign values to different types of variables that affect the operation of the server or clients: User-defined variables. SeeSection 9.4, “User-Defined Variables”. Stored procedure and function parameters, and stored program local variables. SeeSectio...
Variables Local variables can be declared within stored procedures using the DECLARE statement. Variable names follow the same naming rules as MySQL table column names and can be of any … - Selection from MySQL Stored Procedure Programming [Book]
A variable has its own scope. If you declare a variable inside a stored procedure, it will be out of scope when the END of stored procedure reached. If you defined a variable inside block BEGIN/END inside a stored procedure it will be out of scope if the END reached. You can declare...