Learn how to store your iPhone photos on iCloud with these helpful articles. Ensure your precious memories are safely backed up and easily accessible.
I want to store photos from previous years on icloud but only keep the newest ones on my macbook pro, iphone and ipad because my local storage is too full. I have thousands of photos in icloud and want to keep using icloud to store the oldest ones as well as the new ones I take...
I want to store the photos on my iPhone in iCloud then delete them off my phone. However I want the iCloud stored to remain on my cloud storage and be accessible from my devices. Can I do that? I want to store my the photos on my iPhone in iCloud, then delete them off my phon...
iPhone 截屏简介 Photos+ is a cloud based photos library with unlimited storage of your original unmodified photos and videos and powered by your own cloud storage account. You can choose from OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, or any other S3-compatible storage platform. Use it as a second ...
PixFolio 是一款多功能的照片庫和幻燈片應用程式,支援 iCloud、Google Photos、Google Drive、Microsoft OneDrive、Dropbox 和 Flickr。專為 iPhone、iPad 和 Apple TV 設計,PixFolio 讓您珍愛的回憶重現生機。 動態幻燈片…
After photos imported to iCloud, the photos will appear in your iDevice, but they will not consume the storage of your iPhone. All the photos stored on iCloud will consume your iCloud storage. If you are still running with a free 5 GB storage plan, you can consider upgrading to a ...
iPhone 简介 Develop business apps easily through the Platio platform. Select from a variety of ready made templates, customize fields according to your needs and deploy your customized app through Platio. Equipped with smart data cloud storage and user management features, realize greater efficiency ...
• 通过文件应用程序 (iOS13) 将照片和视频备份到 USB 驱动器、iCloud Drive 和本地存储,或从中备份。 • 将照片和视频上传到流行的云端和照片服务,包括Dropbox,Google Drive,Google Photos,Flickr,OneDrive,SmugMug,Box,Zenfolio, PhotoPrism, InfiniCLOUD, pCloud和SugarSync。 • 在设备、服务和NAS之间直接...
- You can enable the automatic loading from the camera so your photos shots will be available on your Nextcloud. - You can enable memory optimization Nextcloud to save space on your iPhone. - Share your files with others. - Multi-account support. - Monitors your cloud from More menu in ta...
iPad iPhone 简介 iFiles 2 is now available, this application is here to support legacy users. iFiles is the most intuitive file manager for iOS with features like connectivity to many file cloud services, transferring files between computer or cloud services, ability to view many file formats ...