“iCloud 照片”中保存的照片和视频会占用你的 iCloud 储存空间和设备储存空间。只要 iCloud 和设备上的空间足够,你便可以储存任意数量的照片和视频。 进一步了解 iCloud 储存空间和设备储存空间 获取更多 iCloud 储存空间 当你注册 iCloud 时,便会自动获得 5 GB 的免费储存空间。如果你需要更多空间以及访问高级...
前往iCloud.com/photos,然后登录你的 Apple 账户。 点按一个或多个照片或视频。要选择多个照片或视频,请按住 Command 键(在 Mac 上)或 Control 键(在 PC 上)。 点按右上角的“下载”按钮 。或者点按“更多”>“更多下载选项”以查看其他下载选项:“未修改的原片”(拍摄或导入时的格式)、“最高分辨率”...
As reliance on iCloud increases, cybersecurity and privacy risks become increasingly complex and increasingly necessary. After all, there's alot of datastored in iCloud, making it a goldmine of information for hackers. In the US,iCloud hacking attemptswere recorded as one of the most common ty...
Read how to back up your photos to iCloud, how to restore photos from iCloud, and explore alternative methods for backing up your iPhone photos.
细分一点,iCloud Photos,不仅可以存储照片到云端,其实还可以创建共享相册,这样你就可以添加合适的家人...
Apple ID 和 iCloud 通过Apple ID 登录 使用iCloud 订阅iCloud+ 查找设置 设置邮件、通讯录和日历账户 了解状态图标的含义 给电池充电和监控电池 给电池充电 使用更加清洁的能源充电 显示电池百分比 检查电池健康和用量 使用低电量模式 阅读使用手册和添加书签 ...
iCloud 会自动将你拍摄的所有照片和视频上传到 iCloud,以便备份和同步照片,供你在任何设备上随时访问图库。 检查照片是否备份到 iCloud 你可以检查以确认 iCloud 照片正在将你的照片同步到 iCloud,以在 iPhone 出现意外时备有副本。 在iPhone 上前往“照片” App 。 你可以在屏幕右上角查看同步状态预览。你可能...
Step 2. Move the bar on the right side to turn on the iCloud Photo Library.Step 3. Wait for a few minutes, go back to your Photos app, and check if your photos are back.Method 4. Sign in the Right Apple ID on Every Device...
I can’t even browse them in the photo app, there’s just nothing! But in the iCloud settings there are about some gigabytes of photos. P. S: I lost my former phone and marked it “lost iPhone” in the Find My service , I’m using the same iCloud account. (If that would be ...
Part 1: How to Download Photos from iCloud on iPhone It's very easy to download photos from iCloud. The only trick is to put your eyes on a web browser but not the Photos app. Step 1 Go to the official website of iCloud and click the Sign In button to sign into your Apple ID...