PowerShell 複製 Stop-Job [-PassThru] [-Filter] <Hashtable> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]DescriptionStop-Job Cmdlet 會停止進行中的 PowerShell 背景工作。 您可以使用這個 Cmdlet,根據作業的名稱、標識碼、實例標識碼或狀態,或將作業對象傳遞至 Stop-Job,來停止所有作業或停止選取的工作。
Stop-Job cmdlet 停止正在进行的 PowerShell 后台作业。 可以使用此 cmdlet 根据作业的名称、ID、实例 ID 或状态或将作业对象传递给 Stop-Job来停止所有作业或停止所选作业。可以使用 Stop-Job 来停止后台作业,例如使用 Start-Job cmdlet 或任何 cmdlet 的 AsJob 参数启动的作业。 停止后台作业时,PowerShell ...
The Stop-Job cmdlet stops PowerShell background jobs that are in progress. You can use this cmdlet to stop all jobs or stop selected jobs based on their name, ID, instance ID, or state, or by passing a job object to Stop-Job. You can use Stop-Job to stop
PowerShell Stop-Job[-PassThru] [-Id] <Int32[]> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell Stop-Job[-Job] <Job[]> [-PassThru] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell Stop-Job[-PassThru] [-Name] <String[]> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] ...
停止Windows PowerShell 后台作业。 语法 复制 Stop-Job [[-InstanceId] <Guid[]>] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>] Stop-Job [-Job] <Job[]> [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>] Stop-Job [[-Name] <string[]>] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-Wha...
Stops a Windows PowerShell background job. Syntax Copy Stop-Job [[-InstanceId] <Guid[]>] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>] Stop-Job [-Job] <Job[]> [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>] Stop-Job [[-Name] <string[]>] [-PassThru] [-Confi...
Summary: Learn how to stop an unwanted Windows PowerShell job. How can I stop an over-running Windows PowerShell job? Even though this is not something you’d normally do, creating an infinite loop is a common (and potentially, very embarrassing) error. This job will run forever: ...
PowerShell Copy Parameter Set: Default Stop-SCJob [-Job] <Task> [ <CommonParameters>] Detailed DescriptionThe Stop-SCJob cmdlet stops one or more System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) jobs that are running, and returns the object for each job in a stopped state. If the VMM job ...
因此,如果作业包含 CmdExec 或PowerShell 类型的步骤,则只应在极特殊的情况下才使用 sp_stop_job。 权限 默认情况下,只有 sysadmin 固定服务器角色的成员才可以执行此存储过程。其他用户必须被授予 msdb 数据库中下列 SQL Server 代理固定数据库角色的权限之一: SQLAgentUserRole SQLAgentReaderRole SQLAgentOperator...
powershell events cancellation powershell-jobs 1个回答 0投票 没有可以从作业端订阅的公共 API,您可以通过反射获取当前正在运行的管道,然后从那里订阅 StateChanged: $tmp = New-TemporaryFile $job = Start-Job { $tmp = $using:tmp.FullName $method = [runspace].GetMethod( 'GetCurrentlyRunning...